Chapter 1: Ambitions

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A year ago, Dr. Diane Sevet joined a Pro Bono dental mission for cleft patients in Mindanao together with passionate and selfless dentists from different countries. During that time, she was able to witness a lot of surgeries involving complex cleft cases and greatly appreciated how different specialists work hand-in-hand to be able to operate on complex cases successfully. Best and efficient dentistry is indeed a team effort!

During the Dental Mission, he met Dr. Ezikiel Montefalco, an oral surgeon from Canada, shared with her about his experiences as an oral surgeon.

Dr. Diane: What interesting cases have you encountered this year, Doc?"

Dr. Ezikiel: "Hello Doc Diane! Oh, speaking of interesting cases, I recently had a remarkably intricate one that required a close collaboration with an orthodontist. It was quite an experience! So, I had this young patient, who came in with both skeletal and dental complexities. A Class III malocclusion with anterior crossbite and quite a bit of dental crowding. What was even more fascinating was the cephalometric analysis which showed maxillary deficiency and mandibular prognathism. The CBCT scans? Horizontally impacted canines on both sides and a supernumerary tooth is thrown into the mix in the maxillary arch!

Dr. Diane: "Sounds like quite a handful! And you collaborated with an orthodontist?"

Dr. Ezikiel: "Yes, indeed. Given the skeletal and dental challenges, I knew it was beyond just a surgical intervention. We had to align our strategies. The orthodontist started off with arch expansion devices to make room in the maxillary arch. Our aim was to provide enough space to align those impacted canines while considering the skeletal issues."

Dr. Diane: "It sounds incredibly challenging but equally rewarding

Dr. Ezekiel excitedly asked Dr. Diane about her plans. 

Her dream of going to Canada was the first thing that popped up in her mind and wants to do her post-grad there.

Dr. Diane: "You know what, I always had this dream of going to Canada"

Dr. Ezikiel: "Wait, what? Are you serious right now? Our school in Canada is actually looking for students who are interested in studying under a scholarship for post-grad programs"

The revelation from Dr. Ezikiel ignited a spark in Dr. Diane. The mere possibility of achieving her dream of studying in Canada, and on a scholarship no less, filled her with an overwhelming mix of excitement and apprehension.

Dr. Diane talked to herself, 'Should I apply? Will I be able to make the cut? Am I even ready or seasoned enough to venture on such an endeavor?' In short, she really didn't know what to reply to him.

"I'll take my chances" Dr. Diane replied

Out of gladness, he gave her a side hug as he rubbed the shoulder while saying, "See you in Canada, Doc! I'm sure you're going to make it!"

Dr. Diane spent sleepless nights researching the dental school Dr. Ezikiel mentioned, envisioning her potential life abroad.

Days later, Dr.Ezikiel connected Dr. Diane with the school's international student coordinator, Ms. Sophie Gomez, who provided detailed information about the scholarship program and the application process.

The requirements were rigorous: letters of recommendation, a personal essay, an entrance exam, and an interview. Dr. Diane realized this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and set out to make her dream a reality.

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