Chapter 4: Farewell to Beginnings

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Weeks later, a letter arrived with the Canadian school's emblem. Dr.Diane, hands trembling, tore open the envelope. She was accepted into the post-grad program with a full scholarship!

The news spread quickly. From colleagues to family members, everyone celebrated Diane's monumental achievement. Preparations began for her move. She felt a whirlwind of emotions: pride, gratitude, and a touch of sadness about leaving home. Then, just as she was settling into her room, her phone buzzed to life. Seeing Doc Ezikiel's name flash across the screen, she quickly answered.


"Doc Di!" Ezikiel's voice radiated joy and excitement, "I just heard the fantastic news! Congratulations on your post-grad scholarship. Canada is lucky to have you!"

Dr.Diane beamed, the weight of the rigorous application process finally lifting. "Thank you, Doc Ezikiel! It still feels surreal. I couldn't have done it without the mentorship group and, of course, your unwavering support."

Doc Ezikiel chuckled, "Well, I always knew you had it in you. But speaking of Canada, I've got some news of my own."

"Oh?" Diane's curiosity was piqued.

"I'll be flying back to Canada soon for a major conference, It's a biennial gathering of the world's most renowned oral surgeons. They discuss breakthroughs in techniques, technology, and research. This year, it's being held in Geneva, and I've been invited not just to attend but to present a keynote " he shared,

Dr. Diane's eyes widened in awe. "That's incredible, Dr. Ezekiel! What will your keynote address?"

"I'll be discussing the advancements in minimally invasive surgical techniques and the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in enhancing patient care. It's not just about the surgery itself, but the entire patient journey, from diagnosis to recovery. This summit is a rare opportunity to learn from the best and also to share our own experiences."

Dr. Diane, genuinely interested, asked, "Do you think there's a chance for someone like me, still early in my career, to attend? It sounds like an incredible learning opportunity."

Dr. Ezekiel smiled warmly. "Absolutely. I would recommend it. While the conference is a gathering of experts, it's also a platform for budding professionals to network, learn, and get inspired. Would you be interested?"

Feeling a rush of excitement, Dr. Diane replied, "Absolutely, Dr. Ezekiel. I'd be honored to attend alongside you."

Dr. Ezekiel chuckled, "Then consider it done. We'll ensure you're registered. This will be an experience you won't forget."

Diane's face lit up, " "I can't wait!" she exclaimed,

"And thank you for always being supportive and pushing me to aim higher. It'll be great to share this experience with a mentor like you."

" It seems like our paths are destined to cross."

Doc Ezikiel laughed, "Seems like it! And once you're settled in, we should meet up. Maybe explore a bit of Toronto? I know some great spots."

"I'd love that," Dr.Diane replied, the idea of having a familiar face in a foreign land bringing comfort.

The conversation continued for a while, both sharing their plans and aspirations. As they ended the call, Dr.Diane felt a renewed sense of optimism. Canada, with its challenges and opportunities, awaited, and with friends like Dr. Ezikiel, she was ready to embark on this new journey.

The day had arrived a mix of the tropical sun's warmth and the cool, anticipatory breeze of dawn. Dr. Diane stood outside her home in the Philippines, taking in the familiar sights and sounds one last time before embarking on her journey. The distant crowing of a rooster, the rustling leaves of the palm trees, and the melodious calls of the morning birds played a symphony of memories in her heart.

Her luggage, neatly packed and lined up, bore tags of her destination: Canada. The place where her dreams awaited, where she would dive deeper into her passion and come out transformed.

Surrounded by family, Diane felt a rush of emotions. The pride in her parents' eyes, the bittersweet tears of her siblings, and the tight embrace of her now-recovering grandmother, who whispered words of blessings and courage into her ear.

As the car honked signaling its arrival to take her to the airport, Diane took a deep breath. This was it. The culmination of years of hard work, determination, and dreams. She was leaving her homeland to chase her aspirations, holding onto the love and memories of her roots.

With one last lingering look at her family home, Diane stepped into the vehicle, her heart heavy yet hopeful, ready to chase her post-grad dreams in the snowy terrains of Canada.

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