10 - What Should've Been Said Before

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Just after the runner had brought the news that the Nyr had arrived, Eijiro talked in Katsuki's head, "We're here, all the sentinels except Tokoyami, who got the short straw. We brought a hundred of our strongest Nyr just as you ordered. Some are regular army, and some are from the Pelistryd, plus there's two more."

Katsuki frowned.

That meant Tokoyami had stayed home to keep the peace in Musutafu, which was standard protocol for the sentinels when something extraordinary called them away, but the last bit puzzled him.

"Plus two?"

"When I made the announcement to halt the Pelistryd, Tenya asked me what happened, so I told him," Eijiro replied. "At least I told him what I knew. He and Momo came to help."

Reaction pulsed through Katsuki, every bit as complex as when he had first caught that faint whiff of Tenya in the arena. He looked around the chaos in the Elven cell block.

Those who had died had been discovered, and a frantic effort was being made to revive them with CPR.

Unfortunately, it wouldn't work. Their spirits had already left their bodies, although he doubted anyone would appreciate it if he pointed that out.

He said to Sekijiro, "There is nothing else I can do here."

Distracted, Sekijiro nodded. "I will be up momentarily," the High Lord's gaze lifted to his. "We must not delay any longer."

"Agreed," then he said to Eijiro, "I'm on my way."

An echo of his earlier thoughts ghosted through his head again as he walked outside, Keiki following close on his heels.

You should have said something earlier.

I should have listened better to you.

He stepped into the death-scented night, caught sight of Izuku and Ochako standing with Tenya and Momo, and clenched his jaw as he strode toward them.

Everyone else swirled away from him, like sparks shooting from the flames of the forest fire, each one a bright but ephemeral light.

Even the Elves, who were so long-lived in comparison to many others, seemed ephemeral to him, and so easily extinguished.

He stopped and crossed his arms when he reached the quartet.

His frowning gaze traveled from Izuku, who stood side by side with his bodyguard, to Tenya and at last to Momo, where his gaze lingered.

The vampire witch returned his regard with equanimity, her expression calm.

"I am surprised that you are still alive," he said to her.

Momo smiled. "No one is more surprised about that than I am."

The dragon took note of the gratifying glance she gave Tenya and that her brother returned.

Then Katsuki relaxed and shook his head.

And finally let it all go.

"I'm not sorry," he said to Tenya. "We were overextended, I had no idea that she was your blood family. I didn't know she was salvageable, and you were not expendable," he paused then added slowly, "But I should have listened when you asked me to."

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