33 - Honeymoon

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"I'll be sure to take it that way," Katsuki gave him a wry, sidelong look, but Izuku could tell he was really listening.

He told his husband softly, "Sometimes, the world is uncertain and it can be downright nasty, but I feel safe with you, and I trust you. And I don't feel prettier things for you too- I love you, and I like you, and you make me laugh, and my gosh, the two of us generate so much heat together, somebody should slap a hazard warning on us."

Katsuki's chest moved in a silent laugh. "Truth."

"But I think none of that would matter if I couldn't feel safe," Izuku tapped Katsuki's nose until the man lifted his head, and he could look deeply into his warm vermilion eyes.

"That's my bedrock and my bottom line. I know that you will protect me and the Bean. I don't just have faith, and I don't hope that you will. I know it. Kacchan, I don't think I knew what it felt like to be safe before I got together with you. So all those volcanic and dangerous things you feel when you're around me? Bring 'em on, your majesty. The absolute worst thing you could do is feel indifferent towards me."

"That isn't ever going to happen," Katsuki whispered, circling Izuku's throat with one hand. "What I feel for you approaches the maniacal. There isn't a single shred of indifference in any part of what I feel for you."

"See why I'm such a happy boy?" he murmured. He wriggled against Katsuki, luxuriating in the sensation of his warm, bare chest. "Do we get to work on the discipline and restraint stuff now?"

"Absolutely," Katsuki whispered. "My discipline, my self-restraint."

Wait a minute. That wasn't how Izuku thought this was going to go. He tried to sit up, but Katsuki wouldn't let him.

Katsuki held him down by the neck, gently, gently, as he ran his hand along the sensitive curves and hollows of Izuku's body, then Katsuki took Izuku's nipples in his mouth, one at a time, suckling at the plump, distended flesh, until flickers of invisible lightning danced across his body. Afterward, he nibbled his way all over Izuku, biting at the tender flesh of his inner thighs.

Izuku couldn't lie still. His legs shifted restlessly as an urgent, empty pulse started between his legs. But Katsuki wouldn't touch him there. The man touched him everywhere else instead, until he lost all self-control.

"Stop it," he panted. "Stop teasing me."

"No," Katsuki told him with a cruel smile, until he screamed in the man's face.

"Just fuck me, please!"

Then it was as if Izuku had laid a whip across him, Katsuki reacted so violently.

He reared back and yanked him up and around until Izuku was on his hands and knees, and he was there ahead of Katsuki as he reached one hand between his legs and ripped his own briefs off.

Katsuki froze for a moment, then muttered, "That's got to be one of the hottest things I've ever seen you do."

"Shut up," he sobbed, groping for Katsuki's cock.

"Ease up, love," Katsuki whispered. "Let me do it."

Izuku yanked a pillow to him and buried his face in it, trembling as he felt Katsuki's fingers probe at his tender, twitching hole gently.

Katsuki drew out more of Izuku's natural moisture, and there, there, he rocked against Katsuki as the man rubbed the head of his cock against Izuku's entrance, preparing him.

Then Katsuki pressed into him, slick, hot and hard, hissing as he tightened his inner muscles around Katsuki. One final push and Katsuki was all the way home.

Izuku's skin was damp, and he shivered all over. He whimpered, rocking back against the dragon as Izuku rubbed his teary face in the linen.

He didn't know why making love often made him so weepy these days, unless it was his damn pregnancy hormones running amuck.

"Shh," Katsuki whispered. He lowered himself down so that he covered Izuku completely as he rocked inside of his pregnant husband. He pressed his lips against Izuku's shoulder blade. "I love you."

Izuku stilled and his head lifted. That was the second time Katsuki had said it, and instinctively, he knew that it wasn't going to be something he said very often. He tried to look at him over his shoulder.

And there Katsuki was, looking into his eyes with a completely wide-open, unbarriered gaze as the man moved inside of him.

Katsuki was one of the coldest creatures he had ever met, and yet for him, the Lord of the Nyr set all of his hardness and coldness aside.

When Izuku's climax came, it didn't even feel physical. It was so full of emotion.

"I LOVE YOU," Katsuki repeated to him telepathically.

I love you, I love you.

After making love, they napped until the last of the afternoon melted away into evening.

When Izuku woke up, he smiled as he felt Katsuki's warm body behind him, embracing him and remembered the details of the day.

Katsuki pulled him closer and kissed his bare shoulder before burying his head in his hair.

Izuku smiled and let his husband's even breathing lull him back to sleep.

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