8 - Rules That Apply

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Turning to follow the other boy, Iori climbed the stairs, and as he looked up, he discovered Ezumi hanging over the railing and staring down at him.

She wore a solemn expression, and her dark eyes were huge.

He reached the top stair and sat down, stretching his legs out and looking at them. He had collected a couple of bruises on his shins where the other boys had kicked him. They would fade quickly enough, hopefully before the end of the day.

The angry energy was leaving him.

He felt his dragon side straining to get bigger again, and this time he had to struggle to stay in control. After not having much of an appetite for a couple of meals, he felt hollow and empty.

He wanted some meat, but he wouldn't get a snack until after school, so he resigned himself to feeling hungry for a few hours.

Ezumi came to sit beside him.

She tucked sleek black hair behind one pointed ear, as she said, "That was hella awesome."

His cheeks warmed. "They needed to be stopped."

"Yeah, I know, or one of these days, they were going to hurt somebody really bad," she studied him for a moment. "You did a good thing. And dude, you breathed fire!"

"I guess I did, didn't I?" he gave Ezumi a sidelong smile.

She smiled back.

On impulse, he said, "Hey, would you like to be my girlfriend for a couple of days?"

A startled wash of color stained her pale cheeks.

She stared at him. "Only for a couple of days?"

He had forgotten- she didn't know who he really was, or anything about him.

"Or maybe a week. It's kind of hard to explain," he told her. "I'm not going to be a kid for very long, so I can't make any long-term commitments."

She laughed. "You really are strange, you know that? What kind of Nyr breathes fire?"

There was a pebble stuck in the sole of his shoe, and he reached down to pick at it.

"My kind, I guess."

"Seriously, are you keeping it a secret?"

As he opened his mouth to tell her he didn't know if it was a secret or not, a tall, strange girl ran up to them.

She was one of the older kids. She asked, "Are you Iori Zuku?"

He nodded.

"Mrs. Dyer said to tell you to come into the classroom now."

Disappointed, he glanced at Ezumi, who might or might not be his girlfriend.

"But recess isn't over yet."

The strange girl lifted one shoulder. "Not my problem. Teacher wants to talk to you."

Sighing, he stood, and Ezumi did too. She grinned at him.


It took him a moment to realize what she meant. Then happiness made him grin back.


"Yes, weirdo. Really. See you later," she punched him lightly on the shoulder and took off.

He said to the strange girl, "I'm dating an older woman now."

Not bothering with a verbal reply, the strange girl curled a nostril at him before she took off too.

Cheerfully, Iori made his way back to the classroom.

Crossing Fates : Special Story 3 - The Bean Starts School (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now