Sometimes Kidnapping Leads to Friendship P1

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Summary: MCU + MacGyver

During a Phoenix mission, Spider-man mistakes Mac, Jack, and Bozer as the bad guys. The Avengers bring them in for questioning, sparking chaos.




"Mac, are you almost ready?" Jack opens the porch door and yells through the small opening.

He leaves the door open as he settles back in his seat. He steps over the unopened beer bottles, Christmas cookies, and blankets strewn along the ground. They haven't even started their annual party and have already made a mess.

For years, Jack and Mac have had a tradition of watching crappy Christmas movies the week before December 25th.

"Give me a minute," Mac calls. He bundles the rest of their snacks in his arms and heads for the door. His phone buzzes before he gets outside. Recognizing the ringtone, he drops the food on his couch.

"What is taking you so long?" Jack pokes his head into the house, impatient. "We have movies to watch."

Mac ignores Jack as he listens to the woman on the other end of the phone. He slips his phone into his back pocket and grabs his jacket off the back of the couch. "Not anymore. Matty needs us at Phoenix. She said it's urgent."

Jack's smile drops. He mournfully looks at the treats and beer set up around Mac's firepit. "Seriously? It's Christmas!"

"Not yet, it's not. Come on. Riley and Bozer will meet us there."

Jack scowls. He yanks his jacket on, grabs his phone, and follows Mac out the door.


"Matty, what the hell are we doing here this close to Christmas," Jack asks as he enters the War Room. "I have plans."

"So did these children before they were kidnapped and are about to be sold into child trafficking," Matty glares at Jack.

"Oh, my bad." Jack takes a seat and stays silent.

"Phoenix received an anonymous tip about a child trafficking ring fronted behind a children's ballet class. The school has a Christmas recital this weekend. Mac, Jack, and Bozer are going undercover for reconnaissance. We need to learn as much as possible about this ring. Do not engage with the enemy unless necessary."

"What will I do?" Riley questions.

"You are not assigned to this case. I have another one for you to work on."

Matty orders the boys out of the War Room, equipped with their undercover identity files, because she needs the War Room to brief Riley on her case.

Mac and Jack settle into Mac's lab to read over their files. After thirty minutes, Bozer closes his file and attempts to summarise the critical information. "My name is Joseph Brackwater. I am twenty-four. I have a daughter, Sophia, who is interested in joining the class. I'm attending the recital to speak with the instructor."

Mac does the same. He tosses his closed file at Bozer. "Check me." Bozer opens the file and tilts it away from Mac. "I'm Christian Matthews. I am twenty-eight. I'm at the recital to speak to the instructor about their job ad for a ballet teacher."

"How are you going to back up being a ballet dancer?" Jack asks, confused.

Mac blushes slightly. "I did ballet when I was younger. I was good at it but haven't seriously danced since middle school. I wonder how Matty found out."

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