Chapter 2

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The bedroom, filled with the warm embrace of sunlight, welcomes the drowsy lids of the sky.Delicate beams of sunlight gently seep through the drawn curtains, casting a subtle, comforting golden hue that envelops the entire room. Everything remains calm and motionless, as if time itself has paused, creating an atmosphere of peace and serenity that effortlessly permeates every corner of the space.

As Sky slowly awakens, the melodious chirping of the birds permeates the air, coaxing her out of her deep slumber. Her long, delicate eyelashes flutter against her rosy cheeks, brushing against them as she becomes increasingly conscious of the soft, comforting warmth that caresses her face.

The radiant sun, ascending higher and higher in the vast expanse of the sky, has skillfully maneuvered its way through the narrow crevice in the billowing curtains, illuminating the room with its golden rays. Sky's eyes gently fluttered open, gradually adapting to the gentle glow that filled the room. She blinked a couple of times, emitting a sleepy yawn, while she leisurely rose to a seated position.

Stretching her limbs, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in her arm, which reminded her of the injury she had sustained.Emitting a soft, drawn-out groan, her petite figure contorted in a manner akin to a drowsy feline. Finally, as the realization dawned upon her, she let out a signed sigh, acknowledging the start of a new day.

Gradually shifting her position, she gently dangles her feet over the edge of the bed, inching closer and closer to the precipice. With a sleepy yawn, she rubs her eyes, fully immersing herself in the surroundings of the room that she had become acquainted with the previous night. As her gaze wanders, it eventually settles upon a captivating painting adorning the wall, eliciting a gentle smile upon her lips.

Shedding the warm blanket that had enveloped her body, she effortlessly slips her feet into a pair of cozy slippers before silently padding towards the window, irresistibly drawn to the ethereal beams of resplendent sunlight pouring through the glass pane. With a gradual motion, she extended her arm and delicately nudged the curtains apart, allowing a cascade of sunlight to pour into the room and embrace her in its soothing heat.

A profound sense of amazement washed over her as she fixated her gaze upon the outside world, which appeared as if it had been artistically adorned with a palette of resplendent golden hues. It brought about a feeling of astonishment within her, considering that just the night before, she had only witnessed the darkness beyond those very windows. In the great outdoors, a soft and delicate gust of wind causes the leaves on the trees to sway and rustle, creating a soothing symphony of nature.

The distant echoes of laughter and playful shrieks permeate the air, blending harmoniously with the serene surroundings. As if choreographed by nature itself, birds gracefully hop from one branch to another, their melodious tunes adding an enchanting touch to the already vibrant atmosphere. The world that lies beyond the confines of the window, shielded by the vast expanse of the sky, pulsates with life and vitality. Sky breathes in deeply, filling her lungs with the crisp morning air.

She pauses, shutting her eyes momentarily, relishing in the peace and the delicate caress of sunlight on her skin, as if the dawn itself is sharing its hidden truths with her in a hushed, intimate manner. Sky was awakened by a deep, masculine voice that commented on how well she had slept. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling a sense of curiosity as she turned her body to face the source of the voice.

Jason, standing a few feet away from her, had his muscular arms crossed, giving off an air of confidence and authority. Meanwhile, Mason casually leaned against the sturdy frame of the bed, adding a relaxed and casual presence to the room. As she opened her mouth to ask the question, her words were interrupted by the snickering of Jason and Mason. "Just like we mentioned yesterday, it's only you who can perceive our presence," Jason stated, his arms now uncrossed.

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