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"You can not do that Accardi. Even you with all of your power can not change our customs. You told me to give her to you and I did," my father takes a step towards us and I take one back. "For you to take her this way ... it is simply not right," he continues.

"You think I care about stupid traditions?" Remus lets out an amused laugh. 

My father glances at me and for the first time since he looked at me today, his gaze softens. He runs his hand through his hair then lets out a frustrated sigh. 

"I know you don't Accardi. But that is my daughter and I would rather die than watch you taint her image in front of everyone."

Remus simply laughs at this.

"What image is there to taint? Do you think anyone will want her after I tell them about her disloyalty to me?"

The way he spits out the words in utter disgust fills me with dread. I don't know what to do or say to make his believe that I really am innocent. I just suggested it and he took it as a fact.

"I was never disloyal to you," I whisper beneath my breath and everyones attention turns to me. With my head bowed and my throat dry, I say. "I have never talked to a man other than my father and if I did speak to a man it was either my father's guards or any of his workers." 

"So it was one of his men?" My mother asks and I want to scream. Of course she would choose this moment to speak up. 

"No!" I say, stopping her from uttering any more nonsense. "No one. I have never talked to any man or dishonored my future husband because that is what you taught me growing up. You said the only man I should ever give myself to is my husband and I have kept the promise I made to you," I point to my mother. "I am sorry for this confusion. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way," with these words I step between my father and Remus then hold his injured hand  in mine. 

Dark red oozes from his palm but he does not seem to care. Is he used to bleeding? Is he immune to pain? 

I hold his hand then glance up to meet his dark brown eyes which stare at me with caution. I mimic my mother and raise my hand to his face, place my palm on his cheek then say, "I'm only yours and will only ever be yours." 

There's a glint in his eyes from my words then a smirk replaces the scowl he had on his face. 

"Are you trying to fool me, Princess?"

I shake my head, "No. I am only trying to make you see that everything I am is only for you. My heart, my body, my love. Only you." 

He uses his other hand to hold the back of my head then leans down to press his lips against mine. His kiss is soft, gentle. Like he wants to tell me he cherishes me.

"You are going to be the death of me," he whispers against my lips. 

With my eyes closed and pain in my heart, I promise to myself that as sure as the sun rises in the morning, will be the one to end his life.

𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now