Chapter 11

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Sorry if the song scares you but it's one of my favorites ;)
Also there is a excessive amount of profanity and violence (well maybe not so much violence but still) in this chapter xx
Update: I hate this place, this girl isn't brainwashed, she is insane and very mentally challenged when it comes to seeing shit that is laid out in of her. I have to be locked in a room with a psychopathic bitch 24/7 so please excuse my French but I'm about to slap this bitch. This place has changed me- for the worst. Each day I feel like I'm drifting father and farther from Christian and Phoebe and Teddy and Skylar. Poor Sky first her mother is murdered then the closest thing to her mother is kidnapped. I don't think I'm going to survive this place- maybe it's better off swallowing a bunch of pills then to give some guy probably with mommy or daddy issues fuck me everyday then listen to some Gabby (cough cough Millie) blab my ear off about how great he is and that I should practically be thankful that my vagina is stretchy, very stretchy. This guy is into some weird shit- I mean weird. Heck, I think I've been fucked so hard that I've gone crazy. Here I am talking to myself and making mental updates. Can someone get me out of this place? Do I really have to get myself out because there is only one way to do that but like I said maybe it's better if I just get my hands on a bottle of pills and drain the sickness away.

"Anastasia!" Millie decided to raise her voice yet again right next to my fucking ear.
"What the fuck did I say about yelling at me?" I yell back at her and she crosses her arms,
"Well you weren't paying attention" she argues, I'm pissed now. I don't know if it's that time of the month soon but she has been pissing me off a lot more lately.
"Yell at me again see what happens" I threaten her with a cold glare.
"There is another girl coming in here you know?" She smiles and then crosses her legs.
"Woo- fucking hoo" I snap at her still giving her a glare.
"Hopefully she is nicer than you" she smirks at me,

Dear god, please help me to get the strength not the bitch slap the hell out this girl-
What is it, are you testing me? Forgive me if I fail this test but I'm going to punch her someday or another.

"Anastasia!" She yelled me out of my thoughts again, can she not be left without attention for two fucking seconds.
"You whore, shut your mouth before I slap that pretty little face of yours into tomorrow" I smile but with killer eyes looking her dead on in the eye.
"Like you could even" she laughed,
"You're pathetic, daddy told me about you- he said you fucked some guy for nice things and because he had a nice face, like we already knew he was a dominant so of course he just had to whip and fu-" she was cut off by my hand colliding with her face and a loud thud.
"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up?!" I yelled and then smacked her once again, I don't give a fuck what happened to make her so fucked up she can go straight to hell. The smacks continued until she hit the floor and I lost all control. Straddling her I threw a punch, all she could do was scream and cry but her arms never once made an attempt to block. Punch after punch until my buckles ached and blood spilled on the floor from my hand and her face. She kept crying but I didn't stop, what happened to Ana?

Ana? Ana? Were are you missy? Did I loose you that fast? Where's Christians Ana, the peaceful and nice girl who wouldn't dare hurt a fly? Don't you love yourself enough to stop? Can't you escape your anger? Are you going to become like everyone else, the ones who hurt only for them self, they might seem like they are some world / people lover but really all everyone is, is selfish and needy. We are born selfish, only wanting, only making noise, don't know what to do with ourself but want. All some people want is to feel bad, self conscious, hateful, sorry for our own being. Wouldn't it be easier is we all only gave a damn about our own self, right? I thought you were different Ana, come back. Come back, come back...

"Please stop" Mille cried her blonde hair was covered in blood dripping down from her nose, mouth and head. I looked down at the helpless girl then down at my own hands, they were cut and covered in blood with clumps of hair. I screamed and I mean loud then collapsed to the floor, crying.
"I'm sorry" I tried to break but my breathes became short and restless then everything was blacking out. Yelling, someone bursting through the door then nothing.

"Anastasia" It was him, his nasty voice sounded concerned but with doubt. Everything ached. I feel a tear fall down my face painfully.
"You've been bad" he said grappling my thigh tightly, ouch.
"So even though you were unconscious I decided to teach you a little lesson, I'm sure you'll feel it in the long run- but Millie won't forgive you" he smirked down at me,
"And you don't deserve to be forgiven" he shook his head.
"You're a coward you know that? Pathetic and worthless yet you have a nice body so I outta keep it for awhile" he smiled looking down at my exposed chest.
"Years maybe" he laughed, no I wasn't getting out of this one.
"I'll give you 10 years" he smiled,
"Then you're dead" this time it was dead serious tone.

I knew what I had to do. Something I thought about doing from the beginning.

I told you this chapter had violence and a lot of profanity in it.....
But hoped you also share the same favorite song with me but if you're not into that type of "rock" haha I guess that's what you call it, then that's all you.
Love you guys 😍😘
Stay voting, commenting-
I love, L-O-V-E hearing responses from you guys in the comments.
Actually I am starting to learn French so I might be a little preoccupied with that, anyone have an apps or tips I should see to help me learn a new language?
Like I said I love hearing from you guys...
Love you guys and your bootyful faces 💕💕💕🍑

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