Chapter 12

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Going to be a short

"Heres some ibuprofen" He said and set a bottle of ibuprofen on the side table, I was laid out on a bed in another room. Both me and Millie were laying down and recovering. Apparently the room had surveillance so now he knows exactly what i did. But it doesn't matter, the momment he leaves I'm going to down the whole bottle.

"Ill be back in 3 hours" he states and then leaves, i prop myself up on my elbows and grab the bottle i take one out and pop it in my mouth and then take the glass of water and swallow it. I wait until he is definitely gone then i pour a whole bunch in my hand and swallow them.

I begin to feel agonizing pains in my stomach and i screech and grab it.

I remember everything and im pulled into a depressive state of death.

These are my last thoughts i guess, i dont think I'll survive this- at least i hope i dont. I love you Pheobe, Teddy, Christian and Skylar. I love you mom, dad, Kate, and i'm sorry. I can't take living here anymore. I can't please everyone and i don't want to either. Im going to die and its that simple, i don't enjoy living anymore, its pointless. I know - well at least i think everyone goes through this depressive state of not wanting to live anymore but at least my heart can ease to know ill be going to the next place. Somewhere I'll see Skylar, Phoebe, Teddy, and even Christian at one point. I can already feel the pain killing me now.

"I love you Pheobe" I whisper,

Maybe there isnt a next place, maybe its just a loss of consciousness, maybe you don't even know youre dead, you just are. Maybe i'll become something else,

"I love you Teddy" I whisper, getting weaker,
"I love you Christian" Its almost nothing.
"I love you Skylar" i don't think sound even came out. Then i see the darkness, its warm and comfy. I feel myself drift upward, but not death- death will come soon.

"Anastasia" I hear a familiar voice, Christian. I must be imagining. I grip the empty pill bottle with my eyes remaining open but i cant see anything except darkeness.



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