Never my intention

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Toni: Oh! Kenny!! Ohh.... Ahh! *opens eyes* Dad!!! *pushed Kenny off her*

I pushed Kenny off me when I saw my father right there, I pulled up my panty up and covered it over with pulling my dress down

Kenny: Oh my God!!! *fixing himself*

Michael: So this is what you do right after recording?

Toni: No dad!! This was my firs-


Michael: I did not raise you to give yourself to another man like this!!!! No!!!! You disgust me!! Letting another man touch you and lick you like that!! I can't believe you Toni Braxton!!

Toni: *holding her cheek and starts crying* Dad I can explai-


Kenny: Could you please stop hitting her! It's not even her fault!!! It was me!! Ok!! Me!!

Michael: How old are you? Because if you are 24 and above I could get you locked up for attempted rape!

Toni: Dad!! He didn't force me, it was my choic-


Michael: No!! Daughter of mine will be acting like some cheap slut in any type of way!!! Is this what you do after everything me and your mother have built and done for you?!!!! *grabs Toni's hand* Lets go now!!! I never want to see you with this man ever again!!! Lets go!!! Come on!!! *pulls her to his car*

Toni: Dad!!! Let me go!!! I don't want to leave with you!! I want Kenny to take me!!

My dad opened the door and threw me inside, I was laying on the back seat of the car

Kenny: Be careful with her!!

Michael: You were not careful with my daughter now were you?!!! I don't want you near my daughter ever never ever!!! Do you understand me? Or I will get you behind bars locked up!

Kenny: I understand! *nodding head*

Michael: Great!!! *gets in car&backs away* I cannot believe you allowed that rapper to do that to you! I don't wanna ever see you with him ever again! Do you understand me? *looks in mirror but doesn't see Toni* Toni!! *turns around* Toni!!!!


I kicked my flower pot and When I turned around I saw Toni laying there on the ground, I ran over to her and helped her up but she was bleeding

Toni: Kenny!!! Get me to the hospital now!!! *starts crying*

Kenny: *runs inside and grabs keys*

I ran back out and put Toni in my car and drove to the hospital

•44minutes later•
I was in the lounge waiting on something for them to tell me, I had seen the doctor making his way to me, I rose up from my chair and tears that wanted to break lose were hanging on my eye lashes

Kenny: How is she doctor?

Dr Garry: She lost an enormous amount of blood, but she's fine-

Kenny: She was pregnant doctor, what about the bab-

Dr Garry: Am afraid she lost the baby!

I immediately fell into my chair, shocked and I was losing my mind, I got up and hit the wall so many times, I wasn't gonna leave her dad just like that, but karma will strike back, but for now I would just leave everything, I needed to see Toni, I followed dr Garry to her room and she was just laying there wide awake

Toni: Kenny! *holds out hand for him*

I didn't bother myself to touch her hand at all, I was just in a lot of pain right now

Kenny: Congratulations!! You got what you wanted

Toni: What did I want? *confused*

Kenny: To get rid of the baby! You lost the baby Toni!! Congratulations!!

Toni: Why are you congratulating me? *confused/ tears*

Kenny: Because you didn't want the baby!! *walks to the door* I'll see you at the studio on Friday!

Toni: *starts crying* Kenny it wasn't my fault!!! Am sorry Ken!! I didn't really want to lose the baby!!! Ken am so sorry!!!... Kenny!!!!!!!! *cries more*


I never meant to lose the baby like that, for starters I was actually gonna keep the baby, I really don't know what's wrong with him, although I wanted to get up, something told me that Kenny needed some time to think and to himself, this was starting to hurt me, I started crying more an more

Toni: I lost our baby!!!! *crying* I don't deserve to live anymore!! I just wanna die!! Kill me doctor!! Just kill me!! I don't deserve to live at all!!! I lost the most important person in my life's trust!! His never gonna love me again!! I hate you dad!!! I hate my father!!

I felt so much hate for my dad at that moment I just didn't want to see him ever again, my heart was burning with anger!!! That was never my intention

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