Got the best of me

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•5weeks later•

Ever since Aaliyah was born, my life has been so much better, she's just always smiling at me, Tamar and Kenny, I never ever in my life thought that I would love someone this much, it's like a love that I can't explain, it's like a burning flame that you try to put out, but instead it just becomes stronger and more heavier

I had an interview today with Wendy Williams, my album was released about 2weeks ago and I've been so booked but I always have time for my baby girl! Wendy had called me out and I went out, people were screaming and going crazy over me, I waved at the crowd and Wendy told me to take a seat, I sat down and immediately Wendy started talking to me, and I spoke back and then she started asking questions about my album

Wendy: So how does it feel to be a new artist and La Face records First Lady?

Toni: It feels good! Am also so happy to have so much fans!

Wendy: Your album has been topping the charts ever since it came out, from number 99 to 1st place on the RnB hot 100 chart

Toni: *smiles* Am blessed and I wouldn't be able to have done it without my 2.3million fans

Wendy: That's right! *smiles at Toni* So Toni what has been your greatest experience or moment yet to treasure

Toni: Well... When I had my daughter! *crowd/going crazy*


Wendy: She is a cutie! And we noticed that her father is actually that man that had signed you, Babyface

I was really caught off guard by Wendy's question!

Toni: Well,, yes actually

Wendy: Well congratulations to the both of you for having a healthy pretty baby girl! May God Bless yall an her!! *lifts up Toni's album* Well ladies and gentleman make sure you have Toni Braxton's first ever number 1's best selling album called "TONI BRAXTON"

I got up and smiled at the crowd and blew them about 3 endless kisses towards them, behind the scenes I was just as busy! As around the cameras, I went back stage and let them take off my ear mic, I walked out and went to the car and got in and they drove off, I was hungry, exhausted and hot!! I just needed to get home to my babies(Tamar&Aaliyah)

Zac: Your next interview is in about 4days from now.

Toni: Thanks Zac! *taking deep breathes*


I was over at Toni's, I was rocking Aaliyah to sleep, I was in her room with her, seated on the sofa there, she was laying on my chest as I rocked her back and forth an began singing to her

Kenny: *singing to her*


I arrived home and Zac had just opened my door for me, I got out and went up the stairs, I opened the door and Tamar was laying on the couch upside down watching tv as usual, I closed the door behind me and walked closer to Tamar

Toni: Hey Tayme! Is Liyah sleeping?

Tamar: She's upstairs with Kenny! I think he needs a bottle of breast milk to give to her

Toni: Coming right up! *walks into kitchen*

I went into the kitchen and grabbed my breast pump, I started pumping some milk into Liyah's bottle

Tamar: *giving Toni nasty look* That's not even normal anymore!!

Toni: *laughs* Whatever Tamar! This will be you one day!! *pulls down shirt*

I closed the bottle and turned it sealed, I went up the stairs and made my way to Liyah's room, I was about to go in when I heard Kenny, I freezes in my footsteps and listened as he spoke

Kenny: You know me and your mom never planned you, our love did... Yes our love. Me and your mom were so in love, we used to do the craziest things together, we used to cook together and she us to always crack all the eggs open on my head *smiles*

Aaliyah: *makes baby noise and smiles at Kenny*

Kenny: Yeah... Your a real cutie just like your mommy, your mom was the prettiest girl I've ever seen or met, but then you came around and took that crown from her... Yes. Let me tell you a little secret, I LOVE YOUR MOMMY but I LOVE YOU MORE. *whispers it to her*

I couldn't help but start to cry in silent as the tears started falling down my eyes, I wiped them away and just stood there and listened as Kenny sang Aaliyah a song by "JOE" I started crying once again

Tamar: Toni why are you crying?

Toni: K-Ken, he said all these sweet things to Liyah, and it just got the best of me. *wipes her tears*

Tamar: I can tell by the look in your eyes that you still love him dearly

Toni: Well I must say it never ever went away *still holding bottle*


Hello Kitty!!!!!

What yall think? Should Toni and Babyface get back together? Or should they just move on already?

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