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We were in this store at the mall. Me, Kenny and Aaliyah we were just doing some shopping, Aaliyah was with us at the food court because we were starving, Kenny decided after we finish eating that we should go to the bank. We got there and it wasn't that crowded as usual but it was full of people.

I looked around and we were standing in the line, Aaliyah was holding Kenny's hand and he was just showing her some of the portraits around here. I looked at them to.

Aaliyah: Daddy I need to use the loo..

Kenny: *turns around* She needs the bathroom Toni.

Toni: *smiles* Come on I'll take you! *reaches for her hand*

Aaliyah: *takes Toni's hand* Is daddy gonna wait for us?

Toni: *walking to the bathroom* Yes he is. *smiling*

We went into the bathroom and I took her into an open booth so she could pee. I closed the door and helped her up the seat. When she was done I lifted her sleeves up and picked her up so she could wash her hands when all we heard was...


A gun shot went down. We both turned our heads and faced the door in unison. I placed Aaliyah on the ground when we heard another one.


I took Aaliyah and brang her into me. A whole bunch of woman came running into the bathroom, when two guys walked in with all black on and black masks on. They grabbed some of the woman by their hair and Then came to us.

Toni: Please don't hurt us! Please I beg you! *afraid*

I said a quite prayer in my head while holding Aaliyah in my arms, all I ask is for him to keep my baby girl safe that's all!

They pulled us out and took Aaliyah from me.

Toni: No please not my daughter! Take me please! Leave her please! You want money I can give you money! But please, kill me! Let her go!!

Thief: Calm down lady! We would never kill an innocent child! Here! Give the woman her child!

I took Aaliyah in my arms gently and embraced her in my arms, I looked around and couldn't see Kenny anywhere. They had us all in here for 4hours straight, the cops were all around the bank blocking their escape from outside. Aaliyah kept on crying and my back and forth rocking didn't do anything to make her stop!

Thief 2: Hey lady! Shut that baby up!! Or else will shut her up!

Toni: How the fuck do yall expect me to shut her up when all of yall are around her?!!

He walked up to me and just looked at me. When I saw Kenny. He asked one of them if he could come sit with us, since he used the wife and daughter to help him. The other two disagreed, but the other one agreed I guess his the boss because they listened to him.

Thief: Listen up everyone! We're gonna take all of the damn money inside this damn bank! If not I will kill each and everyone of yall!

•2hours later•
Aaliyah finally stopped crying because she was in Kenny's arms, I held onto him and we said a silent prayer together. I hope God takes Aaliyah and us threw this! They finally got all their money put into their bags, they were all lined up to leave, the first guy went out but was caught by one of the cops. One down two more to go...

Thief 3: Damn boss he got caught and I was actually gonna help him with his marriage.

Woman: Yall won't get away with thi-


Before the woman could even finish her sentence her shot her in her chest. I covered Aaliyah's eyes and Kenny covered her ears, my baby's so small and young to witness all this happening right here.

Thief: Come on we can do this! Let's jus start shooting! *prepares himself*

Thief 3: Let's go!

Before they even got to the damn door they started shooting, I accidentally kicked Aaliyah's hello kitty teddy bear towards the door, she lifted up her head and noticed it and got out Kenny's grip and ran for it

Toni: No Aaliyah what are you doing!? *gets up*



I got up and Toni and me ran towards Aaliyah. Toni completely lost it. She stood there and covered her mouth. As tears started rolling down her face. I tried fighting the tears that were about to come but they came anyway. I pulled Toni into a hug, as we both fell with our knees to the floor. Looking at Aaliyah's lifeless body, I couldn't look anymore, Toni kept crying and yelling!

Thief: *running out* Am sorry I didn't mean to kill her, I thought she wa-

Before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed his gun out his hand and shot him 8times, 4 in his head and 4 in his chest! I turned the gun to his little friend and shot him 3times in the head.

Toni: Aaliyah!! *sobbing* No!! Come back baby!!!!!! *holding onto her lifeless body*

I brang my knees to the ground and the cops came running threw the door. They helped the people up on their feet, I saw as they helped Toni go onto her two weak feet. And still calling out Aaliyah's name. The cops placed the hand cuffs around my hands and pushed me out the door. I had tears rolling down my face and anger still boiling inside me. I had no fight over the cops, I deserved to go. I couldn't do anything but get placed forcefully into the van. I stared at the crowd of people and saw Toni on the verge of a breakdown. I knew it! Whenever we would find happiness something would always end up destroying it, she was pulling on people, begging them to give her Aaliyah back. She was going crazy! She was loosing it! I sat there sobbing my heart out! I wish it was me instead of Aaliyah.

•A few days later•

Tamar: Its been 20 sad days, 20days since you've been in jail, 20days since Aaliyah died. And Toni's been completely destroyed, she didn't leave her room for 8days, and when she finally did my mother told her to take therapy, she's been there ever since and she goes everyday, but nothing seems to work! She's a wrecking ball! Screwed up! She even blames herself. She says it's all her fault that Aaliyah's gone, it's her fault she was the one that kicked her teddy bear. She was the one that didn't protect her from those thief's. She asks us everyday where you are. And like you told us to do, we haven't told her anything

Kenny: *doesn't wanna look at them/nods head* Wow! If only 20years could go by faster! If only I could be by her side threw all this!

Towanda: Kenny she's pregnant.

Kenny: *lifts head up* What?!!...

Traci: Not even she knows,

Kenny: Then how do yall know?

Tamar: A few months ago before yall announced yall were gonna be traveling the world, she took a pregnancy test, it came back positive but before she could see the results you came by and picked her up, leaving us with it

Trina: She's exactly 3months along today

Kenny: *smiles* Today is also Aaliyah's 6th birthday *tears* Today is also the day we first met, *smiles and cries tears of Joy*

Tamar: *wipes her tears* Stop Face your gonna make me cry to! *starts crying*

Should I still update this book so yall can see how Toni gets back to life. I know this chapter probably got to a lot of yalls feelings but am sorry, it got to mine to!


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