Isabelle Kerr

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A girl from Western Australia who always had dreams of playing professional football across the world mostly dreaming to play for the Matilda's. Having this dream meant she worked every waking hour devoting herself to the game always playing with her older sister until the age of 14 when she was offered an academy place at Sydney which she happily took.

Now she's 22years old already having played professionally since 16years old with more recently debuting for the Matilda's and having just finished her contract at Chicago and having offers from all over the world.

Izzy normally would follow her sister that's all she's ever done always looked up to her but now it's time to take a step in a different direction. This was decided when Sam announced she was playing for Chelsea as the girl knows a lot about English football and wouldn't ever want to wear a Chelsea shirt. Trufully she always knew where she wanted to go from when they first offered her a contract but she wanted to look at all her offers as this was part of the hardest decisions you had to make as a footballer.

 Trufully she always knew where she wanted to go from when they first offered her a contract but she wanted to look at all her offers as this was part of the hardest decisions you had to make as a footballer

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Izzy and Sam Kerr
(Didn't know who to use sorry)

This will be an origanal story about the oc Izzy's life playing football and the struggles and goodness that comes with it.
I know which club Izzy will be going to but any other parts you think would be good for me to add please comment
Please don't be a dry reader

Also I do have dyslexia so this can be a challenge for me sometimes but I am trying

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