Chapter 2 - The First Bridge

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TW: Strong Language ♡ Mentions of home loss ♡ violence ♡
WC: 3.9k

A/N: Wow, I am so pleased with how this story is coming along so far. I really feel like my writing has improved. Hope you enjoy!


"Mykie Jamison?" an American accent poured from the lady's lips, "Mykie Jamison." The blonde lady snapped her fingers before Mykie. She shook her head before speaking.

"Wh-Who are you?" Mykie stammered as she took in the lady standing on her doorstep.

"Kate Laswell, CIA," The lady, now known as Kate Laswell, flashed a CIA metal badge in Mykie's face before pushing past her, further into the apartment, "You're Mykie Jamsion, correct?"

Mykie shook her head, new emotions took the wheel of her mind, "Um, yeah, why are you in my apartment?" she questioned, annoyance laced in her voice.

"Well, I happen to know a little something about you, Rose. See we've been tracking your activity for awhile now. But 15 days ago you breached a firewall that sent alarm bells ringing back home. So tell me, what do you know about the 141?" Laswell spun on her heel to face Mykie who was desperately trying to conceal her panic.

"Everything I needed to know. I take it you work with them? My father, why did I never know about him being a part of some special force? Is that what drove him mad? Kill my sister?" Panic was replaced with anger as Mykie blurted out questions without thinking first.

"Your father wasn't a part of the 141 for long, Mykie. He tried to kill a Sergeant. I'm sorry about your sister, and your mother for that fact. But breaching that level of security has big consequences, I'm sure you know that."

"Are you arresting me then? Putting me in some military grade prison?" Mykie dropped her shoulders she didn't even know she had raised. She knew the jig was up. Once the CIA had her found out, she was done for. "CIA, why isn't the FBI on me actually, this isn't your job." Mykie pushed, she knew she was in deep shit so she might as well get more information while she could.

"I happen to work alongside the task force you hacked. Closely. And no, you're not going to prison. I want you to meet someone." Laswell stepped towards Mykie, she gripped her bicep as she led her out of her own apartment. Laswell locked the door behind them.

"When did you get a key to my apartment?!" Mykie nearly shouted as she watched the lady lock the door.

"A master, your landlady was kind enough to give me it." Laswell smirked as she pushed Mykie towards the exit of the building.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

"Captain Price, Mykie Jamison." Laswell introduced the two as she sat Mykie down in a chair at one of the local coffee shops.

"This is a terrible idea, Kate." Captain Price spoke, his thick British accent heavy on every word.

Laswell threw him a silencing look, "It'll be fine."

"How can you be so sure?" Price pressed further.

"I've been watching her for a month now, she's harmless," Laswell took a seat between them, "This is Captain Price. I'm sure you know all about him."

"He's missing that goofy smile and fisherman hat, but yeah, I know him."

Price gave Mykie a glare before turning back to Laswell, "You want me to train this punk?"

"Train?! Oh fuck no, I'm not joining the military. Do you know how many recruiter calls I have to filter a day just because of my stupid father?" Mykie spat.

Blood Under The BridgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon