Chapter 03

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2 years ago

Author's POV

"Khun Macau, Khun Kim wants to meet you," said the manager when Macau got off the stage.

"Kim? Who?", Macau asked confusedly.

"You don't know Khun Kim?" asked the manager. Macau disagreed by moving his head sideways.

"Well, Khun Kim owns the Bear O' Clock bar. He wants to increase his business, and he feels collaborating with you can make his business even more successful," the manager said.

"Okay," Macau replied.

The manager led the way and took him to the VIP area of the bar, where Kim was waiting. The manager knocked on the door. Kim signalled his bodyguards to open the door.

"Sawadee Khap Khun Kim", greeted the manager. "This is Macau Nannakun". The manager introduced him to Kim.

"Okay, Khun, I will leave you both alone to discuss business", said the manager, and he bowed and left.

"Please take a seat", Kim said in a soft tone.

"Khab", replied Macau and sat down across from Kim. Macau was examining the opulent interior of the VIP area.

Kim's POV

He was sitting in front of me looking very elegant. He was a thing of beauty that captivated my eyes and sent my heart racing. His facial features were sharp and well-defined, accentuated by his flawless complexion. He had the charm and charisma that could enchant both men and women.

I was so mesmerized by his beauty that I didn't realise that I had been staring at him for a long time until he cleared his throat, bringing me back to reality.

I composed myself before speaking, "So, Mr. Macau, I am Kim, and this is my bar. And to extend my business, I would like you and your friends to perform here every weekend."

He thought for some time and said, "That sounds like an interesting opportunity, Mr. Kim. I will discuss it with my friends and let you know."

"Okay. Please make it quick, as I'm eager to finalize this collaboration," I replied.

"Sure, Khab," he said. "Um...If there is nothing, then I will take my leave, Khab."

"Yeah, sure", I said. He nodded and got up to leave but he quickly turned and said,

"Mr. Kim, if you are free tomorrow, can we go get some coffee?"

I couldn't believe my ears about what he said right now. I composed myself very well before responding.


"Okay. Bye! Meet you tomorrow!", he said and left.

I was petrified. I didn't expect him to ask me that. I thought he was a shy guy. But anyway I was surprised and excited.

Author's POV

Next Day

Kim was doing some work in his office when someone knocked on the door. Kim granted permission, allowing Big to enter.

"Khun Kim, Khun Macau has come to meet you," said Big.

Kim hummed, but then suddenly looked up in disbelief. "What? Macau?" Kim couldn't believe his ears.

Big smirked and said, "Khab."

"What...who...where is he?" Kim stammered.

"He is in the waiting area," Big replied. Kim composed himself before replying.

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