Chapter 12

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Author's POV

Ever since that day, Macau distanced himself from Kim. He would eat food after or before Kim, making sure to never share a meal with him.

Macau never spoke to Kim. He either talked with Big or Ms. Maria but he never acknowledged Kim's presence.

Kim noticed Macau's avoidance and felt hurt by his sudden change in behavior. But at this point he felt like he had no right to question Macau about it.

Once, Kim was coming downstairs after working out when he bumped into Macau.

Macau almost fell but Kim quickly reached out and caught him by his waist, their bodies pressed together for a brief moment.

For a split second, both Macau and Kim felt a rush of emotions that they couldn't ignore.

But suddenly Macau pulled away from Kim and walked away without saying a word.

Another time, Kim was having his lunch when Macau entered the room.

As soon as Macau saw Kim, he turned around and was about to exit the room when Ms. Maria stopped him.

"Son, where are you going? Come and have lunch," Ms. Maria said, motioning towards the empty seat next to Kim. While Kim looked at Macau with hopeful eyes.

Macau glanced at Kim and said, "I'm not hungry, Ms. Maria. I'll eat later." And walked out before anyone could say anything.

Ms. Maria turned and looked at Kim with a sympathetic expression on her face. She put a comforting hand on him and said, "Non preoccuparti caro. Andrà tutto bene una volta che gli dirai la verità.(Do not worry, dear. Everything will be fine once you tell him the truth.)".

"Ma non posso dirglielo ancora, Signorina Maria(*But I can't tell him yet, Miss Maria.)", Kim said with heaviness in his voice.

Ms. Maria nodded with understanding and smiled at Kim weakly.

After Some Days

At Night

Macau was in his room, writing jokes. He wasn't allowed to go outside to perform in a comedy club but he still wrote some jokes to distract his mind.

That was his routine. He used to get up in the morning, ate breakfast, go to his room and lock himself up till evening.

His lunch was served in his room ever since that encounter with Kim.

He used to go out for a small stroll in the garden but then stopped because whenever he went out for a walk, at least 15 to 20 bodyguards followed him. He felt like he was being suffocated so he sought solace in his room.

As Macau was writing joked, Kim just arrived after finishing some business. He got out of the car and asked Big, "What is he doing?"

"Khun Macau is in his room since the afternoon and hasn't come out, Khun Kim.", Big replied.

Kim nodded and made his way towards Macau's room.

As he reached the 5th floor of the mansion, he walked up to Macau's room. Before he could open the door, someone grabbed him from behind, dragging him to the nearby room which was Kim's office.

Kim somehow tried to break free from the person's grip and pin him down. But he was shocked to see the person.

"P'VEGAS?!", Kim exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

Vegas punched Kim in his face without replying. Kim winced in pain as Vegas's fist connected with his face.

By then Big, Ken, Max and other bodyguards rushed into the room after hearing the commotion.

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