Back Story

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The Morales currently consisted of two people. Jefferson Morales and Rio Morales. They were currently at an adoption center looking for a child. They had received new a couple weeks ago that Rio could not get pregnant due to a medical condition that the author needs to exist because he is lazy (FUCK YOU! WAIT WHY CAN'T I ERASE THAT!) Anyways ignore him. He is annoying. The couple just arrived and the secretary, "Hello there! How may I help you today!" Jefferson approached while Rio looked off into the distance to a small play area, "Um me and my wife would like to adopt a child. We know it's a long process. But we would like to get started right away." "No problem sir! Do you have an age range?" "Um Rio?" She turned her head, "Um really young. Maybe four or five?" "Ok then." The secretary typed in some info on her computer, "We sort out kids by age here. Ages 4-6 will be outside right now along with ages 10-13 I will have a worker escort you two. Be aware that most of them just got their quirks and are showing off. Most of the time they don't injure anybody but when they do it's never that bad and the kids are punished appropriately." They nodded and a worker escorted them outside to a playground.

They were watching a group of them play around. But Rio did take notice to one child in particular. He looked to be around five and he was smaller then the others by a bit. He also had curly black hair with green highlights. But he was always moving and doing things the others his age would never touch. The kid would swing on the monkey bars every time. She even saw him fall down. From how small he was she got worried but he wiped himself off and got back up and got back to playing. They even had a rock wall. Not a big one but she wouldn't trust a five year old on it. But he was on it like a natural. Well as natural as a five year old could be. He fell about four times from what she saw but he always got back up and tried again. And every time he did it he got higher. He could never get past 90% of the way because of how far the rocks were spread out since he was so small. But whenever he did get as high as he could he jumped off towards the left were there was a rope for the people at the top to slide down and he would slide down on it. Jefferson saw his wife staring and spoke, "Did something catch your eye?" She nodded, "Look." She pointed and he looked at the kid, "Have you been watching him?" "Every now and then. Can't believe they let him do that stuff. Way to dangerous." A worker come over, "Oh I think I know who your talking about."

Rio turned, "Hm?" "The curly green haired boy with black highlights?" Rio nodded, "Yeah him." Jefferson spoke, "Why do you let him on that stuff. Isn't he a bit to young?" She smiled and chuckled, "Oh trust me we have tried! But Izuku there just gets away and does it! Every time he does it he gets farther and farther into what he is doing. Us workers have tried to stop him but as you can see he does what he wants." Jefferson spoke, "Sounds like a trouble maker." "Oh he is anything but. He is just so full of joy and happiness. The only thing he misbehaves on is well the playground. He loves climbing and swinging." Rio spoke, "How long has he been here?" "Since he was born. A note was in his crib and the mom and dad didn't have money to raise him." Rio spoke again, "He seems like a great kid." "He is. He even tries to stop bullying." This peeked Jefferson's curiosity, "What do you mean?" "Well they go to a kindergarten a couple doors down. One day Izuku was out playing a friend of his and some bullies there started beating on him. Izuku stepped in and got beat up himself so his friend could get away and get teachers. According to them they try and get the bullies to stop and they do for awhile but they go back to it. The head of the kindergarten is lazy so she doesn't do anything. Izuku always stands up for the ones that can't. Other families have seen him but once they figure out he is quirkless they instantly leave." Rio spoke, "Wait he is quirkless?" "Mm. Why?" Jefferson spoke, "We both are quirkless." The worker smiled "I will go get him." (I STILL CAN'T GET RID OF THAT SENTENCE! WHY!?)

They were nervous while waiting for him. As the worker approached with Izuku following behind. The boy was smiling and talking to the worker as she walked, "Izuku these people would like to talk to you." He looked at the two sitting on the bench and waved, "Hi! I'm Izuku! You all seem nice!" He looked towards Jefferson and saw what he was wearing and he gasped, "Your a police officer!?" Jefferson nodded, "Yes I am." "SO COOL! YOU GET TO WORK WITH HEROS A LOT DON'T YOU!" "Um sometimes. I'm fairly new so I don't get to work with them as much as the more experienced ones there." "STILL! THATS COOL!" Rio spoke, "So I guess you like heroes?" "I love heroes! It's my dream to become one! I know I don't have a quirk but if I keep at it I know I will be one!" Rio smiled, "I believe you can be one kid." "What are your quirks!?" "We both are quirkless little one." "Oh! Well that's cool! You two are the only other quirkless I met. Can we hang out more!?" They nodded and the worker allowed it.

Hours passed and the Morales family were shown everything about Izuku. He loved taking notes on heroes and drawing them surprisingly well for a kid his age. He loved watching one certain video of All Might. He also loved climbing and anything of the sorts. He would climb anything. And if he couldn't he would come back to it the next day and the day after until he could. Every second of the day the Morales family grew more and more attached. As the day ended the were pushed out of the room so the kids could sleep. They approached the secretary and Rio spoke, "I think we know." The secretary handed them both paperwork, "Oh honey I know. We all knew. You all instantly latched onto that kid. I had a favor to cash in with someone that approves and works with this kind of shit. Should take less time. Still gonna take a long bit. Just fill out the paperwork." They nodded and filled it out and handed it back.

*9 Months Later*

Izuku Morales had been in his new home for a month now. He loved it. Every morning he would wake his parents up just to be sure they were still there and didn't leave him. He went to a different kindergarten but he quickly made friends. He also noticed not many heroes patrolled here which he was upset about. But besides that nothing could be better. His new uncle showed him music and he fell in love with music and beats in general. He also learned his uncle was a reformed criminal. Someone called the Prowler. He also learned about something called Super Powers. They come from experiments using quirks and had given a person great abilities. The reason they were not called quirks is because they didn't follow certain things quirks did. Most Super Powers didn't have drawbacks. They were also insanely strong. There was someone about 100 years ago called Spider Man and he was amazing. He was a vigilante. People with Super Powers were not allowed into hero courses because of the danger they proved. But Spider Man was the only good Super Power user Izuku had seen. And he was amazing. He was even better then All Might. The way he swung, climbed, and glided through the air was simply amazing. He was viewed in the public as a true hero. A lot of heroes during that time didn't like that but Izuku didn't care. He had a knew favorite hero and he wished he could have those powers. Little did he know.

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