Chapter 1: Spider

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*10 years later*

Izuku was packing his school bag for the last day before summer break. Then he only had two more years of highschool and then he was taking a gap year before he applied to U.A. for the music tech course. U.A. wanted their future students to have a bit of freedom before enrolling into such a school. U.A. had the best courses out there and his music tech class would be taught by The Present Mic. Izuku was so excited. He could help Izuku so so much. And from what info he could gather not many people went to U.A. for music tech. While they were near the top in terms of it a school further west was infinitely better. He decided to not enroll in that school since it's so far away. He decided to grab his windbreaker, headphones, and his classic red shoes and put them on. (Yes I had to include them!)

Izuku left his room, "Hey mom! On my way out!" She yelled from the kitchen, "You be safe! Reports of a group called the underground have been popping up! You need to keep out of trouble!" "When have I ever gotten in trouble." His dad peeked around the corner, "Do I need to get my list out?" Izuku quickly put on his headphones, "Sorry can't hear you!" He grabbed a piece of toast from a plate, "Love you all! See you later! Tell Uncle Aaron I said hi!" Izuku ran out the door. Jefferson walked out his room, "That kid is a pain." "We literally signed up for it. Besides you love him." "I do."

As Izuku was walking to school he was sticking stickers on certain things. He loved marking his place. This was his neighborhood. He was excited to get to school to see his friends Ganke Lee and Hailey Cooper. He missed Phin but ever since his parents enrolled him into the highschool for geniuses. Ganke was going to U.A. to become a programmer and he was a damn good one. And Hailey wanted to be artist and her street art was simply amazing.

As the school day dragged on Izuku was texting his uncle if he wanted to spray paint in a old subway area. He of course said yes. Izuku was currently at lunch talking with Ganke and signing with Hailey, "Hey I am going to a abandoned subway with my uncle later to paint." Ganke, "You sure that's safe? The underground have been hiding out in abandoned places like that." Hailey signed, "Yeah Izuku. I know you love to make art but you should look somewhere else. The underground has been on the rise lately. Not enough for us to just pass them in the street but still." Izuku smiled and signed while talking, "You all are worried for nothing. I will be fine. I can hold my own. My uncle and dad have been teaching me how to fight since I was ten. And I am quick." Hailey signed, "Still Izuku. You doing stupid shit like this makes me worry." Izuku leaned over to her shoulder and signed with one hand, "Hey I will be fine. Trust me ok?" She sighed and signed, "Fine. But if you get in trouble don't say I didn't tell you." Izuku smiled, "Will do."

After school let out Izuku ran towards his uncles place, ran up the fire escape, and went through his window. His uncle Aaron Davis was on the couch, "You know you can use the door you know that right?" Izuku got out of the window seal and put his backpack down, "Eh. It feels better to do it this way." "All because you like climbing shit." "Yep." "You are fucking weird." "Says the former thief." "Oh your gonna get it." Aaron got up and chased Izuku, "Get back here you bastard!" Izuku leapt over the kitchen table, "Come on old man! My knees and back still work fine! How are yours!" Aaron leapt over the table and landed right next to him, "Still fine!" Aaron locked Izuku into a headlock and gave him a noogie, "I yield! I yield!" Aaron laughed and let go, "You ready pipsqueak." "Yeah yeah whatever." Aaron helped Izuku up and left.

As they entered the subway Izuku saw a spider on his hand, "Bastard." While Izuku was getting ready to slap the spider it bit him, "Ow!" He slapped it off and looked at his hand, "I seem fine. Might have mom check it out later." He continued his bath into the subway. As him and his uncle were walking Izuku felt weird. He couldn't pin point it but he just felt weird and his uncle saw it, "Kid you doing ok?" "I don't really know. I got bit by a spider on the way down and I feel weird." "We can get you checked out later. If you start feeling worse tell me." "Will do." They then got to a empty wall and his uncle spoke, "Go on Christmas tree." "Fuck you." They laughed and Izuku grabbed some spray paint.

Izuku MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now