Chapter 3: Spider-Man

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Izuku had grabbed his new suit off the fabricator. He looked at it and smiled. This was his suit. He texted his uncle, "It's ready." His uncle responded, "Good. Try it on. God forbid you show off and it rips and now the entire world sees something they shouldn't." "Very funny." "You say that until it happens." "Fine I will." "When did you start listening?" "I always listen." "..." "Shut it!" His uncle then sent laughing emojis and Izuku rolled his eyes. Izuku changed into his suit and smiled it fit right. But to be sure Izuku did some flips and cart wheels to see if it would rip. It didn't. He smiled and grabbed his bag and sent off one final text to his uncle, "I can't wait! Doing it today!"

Izuku grabbed his backpack and grabbed a couple trackers. His uncle suggested that he should have one in his backpack if he needs to leave it somewhere to do a quick change of clothes. He also said to get a good couple spare backpacks. Izuku decided to use his allowance to by a couple backpacks a week after hearing this. He also connected his phone to his heads up display in his suit so he could take calls and listen to music while swinging around the city. He also made sure he had plenty of web shooter cartridges and left.

Izuku had made his way to the top of the empire state building. He webbed his backpack with his clothes to a hidden spot and he walked towards the edge. He looked down and took a breath and remembered what his family said. He though of something his dad said, "I see this this spark inside of you Izuku and it's amazing! Whatever you choose to do with it you will be great." He thought of a saying his mom said, "Our family doesn't run from things Izuku." "Your the best of all of Izuku. Keep going." He thought of a time he asked his uncle when he would know he is Spider-Man and his uncle said, "I wasn't around during the time of the other one for obvious reasons. But, Izuku stuff like this you can't just dip your toes in and slowly ease your way in. You have to leap in. You have to have faith in yourself. It's a leap of faith." Izuku smiled and jumped off doing a flip in the air, "WOOOOO!!!" He started approaching the ground faster and faster every second. He thought of the first time he swung around that abandoned building he trained at and how freeing it was even in that small area. He noticed people were watching him fall and the hero Ryuko was on her way to intercept him and stop him from falling since she assumed he was a suicide jumper. He aimed his right arm and fired a web. Then he swung, "YEAHHH!"

He aimed his left and fired another web and it attached to a building he noticed he was getting closer to the ground he aimed his body and ran across and buildings window, "Lets go!" He got to an alley and jumped off the windows and jumped from wall to wall scaling himself up to the roofs. He landed on top of one and jumped over pipes and vents.. He saw the gap between this building and the other one he ran straight to the edge and once his foot landed, "Venom Leap!" He angled himself so he leapt over the gap and landed on the other building. Every second he continued Spider-Man got better and better at this. Izuku shot a web towards a taller building near by and pulled himself up like a sling shot, "THIS IS AWESOME!"

He saw Ryuko flying next to him, "Who are you!" "Names Spider-Man! How may I help you Ryuko!" He web-zipped to another building and used his momentum to send him farther from the leap, "I thought you were dead!" Spider-Man smiled under his mask, "That's the old one! I'm this generations Spider-Man!" "So your a vigilante!" "Maybe you all should allow super powered individuals to be heroes! But hey gotta do what I gotta do!" He looked down and saw something, "Catch up later!" He webbed down and he saw a mugging, "Oh come on!" He landed next to the mugger trying to mug an old lady, "This is the most basic New York thing." The mugger swung a knife at Spider-Man but Spider-Man gave him a uppercut sending him into the air and Izuku fired a web to him and used the momentum to deliver several blows and sent the mugger to the ground and webbed him up, "You ok mam?" "Yes I am. Thank you very much sonny." "No problem. Spider-Man is always here to help!" Ryuko landed next to him, "Listen here!" Izuku turned, "Oh your here! Now you can take him to the police! Gotta go!" Spider-Man web-zipped away before she could say anything. All he heard was, "Oh come on!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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