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Ok so New York is attached to Japan. I don't care if it doesn't make sense but new York is such a big part of the Spider Man character as an entire thing I couldn't just get rid of it. And it so getting rid of it simply wouldn't work. Also UA will be in New York. It will be a high-school and a college. This is because their will be three different tiers of hero license. 1. Provisional License. This one allows students to work directly under Pro Heroes for internships and work studies so they can use their quirks. 2. Semi Pro Hero License. This one will allow students to do hero activities alone but they have to be either a sidekick at an agency or be linked through their school. 3. Full Pro Hero License. This means you don't have to be linked to anyone. So it will be a six year process.

If you go through the high-school and college. First year will be strictly training you in combat and stuff of the sorts. Second year will be all about preparing you for the Provisional License. Third year with be training yet again. Fourth year will be getting you ready for the Semi Pro Hero License. Fifth year will be training yet again. And the sixth year will be getting you ready for the Full Pro Hero license. Now if you just go to the college and not the High School which will be allowed things will be different. There will be two semesters in year so each semester will then be the equivalent of a full year of the process.

And I am kind of combining Peter and Miles into Izuku. Also his webs will not be organic but rather a web shooter. And he will only have the basic abilities Miles has but with some of Peter's arsenal later on. For example in the new game peter gets new iron spider arms. Izuku may get those. Also Izuku will master his abilities insanely fast. How Super Powers will react in this story are very similar to how quirks react and we know Izuku is a natural quirk expert. Also more info on super powers. Super Powers will also be known for defying logic. For example Electro in the first Spiderman ps4 game. How he used Electricity to fly. He shouldn't be able to do that. At least not that I think. But Super Powers can do things no other quirk can do. Just wanted to point that out.

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