August, 1990

72 0 0

You loved your home.

It was in a quiet place. There weren't many homes around the humble, small cottage your family lived in. The space was fairly empty, not including your neighbour's home. The muggle village where you had a few relatives wasn't too far away as well. About a forty minute walk. Your parents apparition skills helped you get over that exhaustion.

Not too far away, about thirty minutes away, the hills adding to the amount of time it would take, was a house that was a bit louder than yours. You knew them well, the famous pure blooded Weasleys. Despite being so called blood traitors, your parents had warned you about getting along with some of their children.

Your parents adored Arthur and Molly Weasley, they were lovely people. Sometimes, they'd even come for a visit, so you'd personally met them and knew they were lovable. Bill Weasley, you'd heard stories of from your seniors at Hogwarts, and although you hadn't met him in person since you were eight, your parents said nice things about him as well. Charlie Weasley caused some ruckus, you knew, he was your senior as well, and you'd heard of the trouble he'd get to with his well known crew of friends at Hogwarts. Even still, he was a good kid, and he was praised for it. Percy Weasley, a bit stuck up, sure, but your parents admired his intelligence. He'd apparently taught you the English alphabet when Molly would babysit you as your parents went off to work at the ministry.

So everything was fine. Arthur, Molly, Bill, Charlie and Percy. There was no issue.

Then the Weasley twins gained an interest in you.

Fred and George were curious, troublesome boys, even at as young as one. Your parents, at first, had pushed you to get along with them, since they would be attending Hogwarts at the same time as you. As muggleborns themselves, your parents wanted you to have some familiarity with people when you went to Hogwarts, to make the transition more comfortable.

And at one, despite their mischief, you got along with them well.

At two, they knocked over a vase and immediately blamed it on you. Your parents had given you a stern scolding, and as a two year old it had really hurt your feelings. Only once you'd left did Fred and George guiltily tell their mother the truth.

At three, Fred had taken his older brothers' wand and started playing around with it. Not much needs to be said, besides the fact that you lost your first tooth that day.

There were many other stories. George had accidentally scratched you with Charlie's quidditch broomstick when he wanted to try it out. You actually vaguely remembered that one. You have a scar on your collarbone to prove it.

The last straw for your parents was the twins enlarging a cockroach you were scared of, age six. You'd ran away and had gotten lost. Everyone searched for you for about two hours before your magic had gotten out of control due to your emotions and it made you pop up back home.

Everyone was lucky something worse didn't happen, and that's when your parents decided to stop letting you stay over at the Weasleys so often.

"Y/N, dear!" Your mother called. "Come to the living room, we have guests!"

You opened the door to your room, and saw your sister peep her head out as well. You tilted your head in the direction you were going. "Wanna come say hi?" She shook her head, looking at you with wide eyes."That's alright, I'll tell them you're taking a nap."

"Thanks," She whispered before shutting her door quietly.

You hurried down the hall, and made a turn to the front of the house, where the door was near the living room. "There you are! Mr.Weasley came around to say hi!"

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