November, 1990

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It was a chilly November, and according to letters from your mother, the weather forecast by the muggles predicted that snowfall would be coming soon. November was when more of what Hogwarts had to give, began to start up again.

Students were getting sorted out and finally getting to routine.

"What've you got tomorrow?" Angelina asked, leaning over to rest her head on your shoulder.

Angelina and the Weasley twins had quidditch practice tomorrow, specifically for the teams starter players as the first quidditch game of the year was about to begin. Which meant you and Alicia had free time tomorrow.

Alicia shrugged. "I'm behind on some work. Might as well get that done."

"Charms club," you answered breezily. "And then I've got potions on Thursday."

"Seriously, what's the point of joining those," Angelina said. "Isn't it just a repeat of what we do in class anyways?"

"We're allowed to do things we want, instead of being forced to make random potions like Snape makes us do. I mean, not that they're not helpful, but sometimes the potions are so boring." you put your head back on the couch. "When do we get to do something fun? Like Amortentia?"

"What's that?" Katie asked, as she brushed out Alicia's hair.

"A love potion," Alicia smirked, looking over at you. "What, you want to give it to someone?"

"Ew, no," you said, scrunching up your nose, before looking over at Katie. "Although, the potion smells like the person you love, I'm pretty sure. Would be cool to know who I love."

"I mean, deep down, doesn't everyone know it?" Katie asked.

Alicia shrugged. "The potion just sorta makes you truly realise it, I guess."

"You know, girls, we don't really talk about this," Angelina said, while sitting up, taking her head off of your shoulder. "But who do you lot fancy?"

"No one," you, Katie and Alicia shrugged.

The three of you all looked to each other, narrowing your eyes.

"Oh come on," Angelina protested. "You've got to fancy someone, at least one of you do!"

"Well, why don't you say first?" You said, raising a brow.

Angelina shrugged, falling back on the couch. "I don't have anyone I fancy, to be honest, but Lee's not bad looking."

"That's great for you," Alicia grinned. "Boy's smitten for you."

Angelina giggled, as you all teased her for a moment, before she turned to you. "Now you. I know you've got someone."

Katie and Alicia turned to you, interested. You slouched, lowering your voice. "Okay, but don't be all like, jumpy about it, alright?" The girls all nodded, eagerly coming closer to hear you. "Cedric."

"Diggory?" Katie asked, with wide eyes.

"Hush!" You rushed, looking around, before nodding.

"I mean, doesn't everyone fancy him a little?" Alicia said.

You scratched your head. "Yeah, I guess. But you know, we've been friends a while, and he's nice, not to mention I've seen him outside of school. Sorta makes me feel"-

"Special?" Angelina teased.

"No!" you said quickly. "I just- I dunno- it makes me think I've got a chance." Your voice went quiet at the end, but the girls quickly started talking loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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