September, 1990

6 0 0

"Sebastian!" You called out, huffing as you hit your head lightly. How could you have lost him already? And at a crowded train station no less. You turned. "Seba-!"

"Who's that, a boyfriend?" Immediately you were met with the face of... one of the twins.

You stepped back, composing yourself. "No, my cat, the one I bought at Diagon Alley."

"See? Told you it was hers," came George's voice. So this was Fred.

Fred moved out of the way so George could come forward with your cat. "Sebastian!" You cried in relief, hopping over to George and your cat. He jumped into your arms and you held him close as he scowled.

"Want us to help with your baggage?" The twins asked, looking over at your stuff.

"No, s'alright, I can"- But they'd already made the move to pick up your stuff and carry it to the back. "I said I could!"

"All we need is a thanks now, Fawcett!" Fred called back.

You slouched, but grumbled. "Thank you."

"Fred couldn't hear ya!"

"Shut up!" You yelled back. Of course George heard, with his stupid perfect hearing.

You stepped up into the Hogwarts Express, walking through the corridor, looking for your friends. "Fawcett?" You turned around to see Cedric Diggory behind you, with a small smile. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Shocking, cause you don't live too far away. You should come over during the summers, you know?" You smiled back, moving to the side, so you could both walk side by side.

"I'll take you up on that," Cedric chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

You sized him up, and frowned. "Did you grow over the summer?"

Cedric raised a brow, and then down at you. A bigger grin grew on his face. "Looks like it. You should start drinking some milk to grow big and strong as well. Who know"-

The two of you were interrupted as three kids ran past you, between you. The two of you pressed your backs against the sides of the train, and let the Weasley twins along with Lee shove through everyone.

"Watch where you're going!" You heard Charlie yell. Once he saw you, he shot you a thumbs up. You smiled back, before he headed into a compartment with his friends.

Cedric sighed. "Those two are going to be terrible once they grow."

"Oh my god," you groaned. "Don't make me think about it."

Someone called Cedric over  right then, one of his Ravenclaw friends peeping their head out their compartment. Cedric looked back at you, and pat your shoulder. "See you around at school?"

You nodded. "See you then."

It didn't take a long walk before you spotted Angelina in a compartment with Alicia. "Hey girls!" You grinned as you opened the compartment door. The two greeted you, Angelina tugging you down for a hug.

You took a comfortable seat next to her, and the three of you quickly got to conversation, about the summer, how the year would go, quidditch, going back to Hogwarts, and everything else you could think of.

Suddenly, the door slid open, startling everyone.

A girl with brown hair, who looked nervous and frazzled, a person you'd never met or seen before, opened the door. "Sorry," she rushed. "But I don't really know anyone here, and I was hoping I could sit here with you, but it's completely alri"-

MENTAL (g.w) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang