October, 1990

5 0 0

"Shove it, Towler!" Lee yelled running down the stairs, pushing past the poor boy.

Kids were crowding around the announcement board in Gryffindor tower, curious and excited to see the new members of the quidditch team. One of the fifth years grabbed it, but immediately kids jumped on them.

Thankfully, Charlie had come to quell the chaos, and took action the moment he came into view. "Alright, everyone calm down!" Mumbling when no one listened, he waved his wand. "Accio!"

The paper from the fifth years hands came shooting towards Charlie, despite the desperate attempt to grab at it. "Come on, tell us who made the team!" Angelina yelled, bouncing up and down, trying to get a good view while the taller students blocked everyone.

"Alright, move out, calm down everyone," Charlie huffed. He scratched his head, coughing to clear his throat before he read outloud. "As you all know, we lost a lot of great quidditch players this year, since our seventh years graduated, and we'll be filling in a lot of new spots."

"Just get to it!" Fred yelled from the crowd.

"Who're the beaters?!" George joined in.

The yelling began again, until Charlie, visibly getting impatient, shot the disarming spell at some table in the corner. Once everyone shut up, Charlie fixed the table, before addressing everyone. "You lot stay quiet while I talk, yeah?" He glared over at the twins, who had squeezed their way to the front with Lee. "I can always kick you off, if I don't like you."

"Now," he continued. "We've already got a wonderful keeper, Oliver Wood!" The house gave a round of applause for Oliver, who blushed, face turning red. "Jason Newmen and Pritha Lingakumar as our wonderful chasers! And me as the seeker." There was some more loud applause, especially for Charlie, who was considered one of the best quidditch players Gryffindor, even Hogwarts, had seen in years. Before he had come to school, Gryffindor was being flattened every year. Considering the fact that he was in his final year at Hogwarts, every Gryffindor was already panicking about what would happen to the house once he left.

"But for the new members of our quidditch team," Charlie paused for dramatic effect. "We have another brilliant chaser, our very own Angelina Johnson!"

You and Alicia jumped onto Angelina, yelling in excitement, as some people applauded and others congratulated. With a wide grin, she thanked those people.

"And for our other two new field teammates, as beaters, what better choice than Fred and George Weasley!"

Even just at the mention of Fred, the twins cheered. Lee ruffled the hair of the two new members of the Gryffindor quidditch team as everyone congratulated them.

"Now, I know some of you may be worried," Charlie continued. "About not getting in. Don't fret, a few of you have been chosen as substitutes. This is especially important considering three of us on the team will be graduating next year, and we'll need some new blood in the game. For substitute chaser"- You felt Alicia's grip on your hand tighten. "Alicia Spinnet!"

"Thank god," she muttered under her breath, as both you and Angelina ruffled her hair, and punched her shoulder, bringing her into a hug. She grinned at you. "Now it's just you!"

You bit your lip, embarrassed that the announcement of if you'd made it or not hadn't come yet. You picked at your nails, as Charlie announced the substitute seeker and beaters.

"Get on with it!" Fred yelled, as his brother said the names of the beaters.

Charlie rolled his eyes at his brother, waving his wand lightly and seemingly zipping up his brothers mouth. George protested with mumbles, at the fact that he'd been zipped up too. "You two are a double act," Charlie shrugged. "Can't punish one without the other, sorry. Now, yes, onto the keeper. Well, this is obvious, but it's our wonderful Y/N Fawcett!"

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