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- Josh -

The following Monday, Chloe slid into her usual position on the bench opposite me. As per routine, I look up from my book, which was currently All The Bright Places by Jennifer Nevan. "I've got awesome fun news to report! I think we're planning a trip to the annual carnival. It's, like, the largest, most spectacular carnival ever! You have to join us Josh!" Chloe immediately begins talking. "Sounds like fun! When are you guys going?" I ask, my interest caught. "Probably Friday or Saturday. I can't wait for it!" Chloe replies, squealing excitedly.

On Wednesday, it was confirmed that we would be going to the carnival on Friday. Though I usually hated huge events, I have to admit that I was a little excited for this carnival. Chloe had made it seem like a big deal. We've also decided on who was going to take whose cars. I'm in Tobin's, along with Maddie, Chloe and Adrian. Finally, I'll get the chance to meet Tobin for the first time. I wonder what he is like.

Friday finally came around. After getting through 7 torturing periods, the gang met at the front entrance of the school. We split up into our respective cars before heading for the carnival. On the way, I discover that Tobin is actually really friendly and talkative. I'm sure anyone who has spoken to him would automatically like him. Plus, he's on the school hockey team, which I'm planning to try out for. What better way to find out more about it than hearing from the captain himself? Apparently, the team will be holding tryouts soon. I'm not missing that.

When we reach the carnival, I start to feel a little left out. Everybody else is already heading off with their besties, but other than Chloe and Paige, I don't actually know anyone here. "Hey, care to join us?" Chloe's voice suddenly asks behind me. I turn around and see only her and Paige. "Where's everyone else?" I instinctively asked, wondering where Tobin was. "B's gone with the other boys," Chloe replies, smiling. How did she know I was wondering about Tobin? "Are you coming or not? There's a ton of stuff we wanna go on!" Paige says, nudging me. "Yeah, okay," I reply with a shrug. Paige immediately grabs my arm and runs towards all the rides, dragging me along. "What the!" I yell as I try to keep up with her. She sure runs fast. "Hey hey hey, wait for me!" Chloe shouts, chasing behind us. What a weird trio.

We end up visiting the snack booth first. Chloe gets cotten candy and Paige gets a ton of tidbits for us to share. We go on loads of rides and it's absolutely awesome. I was enjoying the carnival a lot. "Hey guys, we should take some pictures," Chloe suddenly says after we get off the Viking ride, heading for the photo booth. Paige and I follow behind her, laughing about the stuff we did today. As we wait in queue for our turn at the photo booth, Paige and Chloe talk about crazy things that happened before I transferred here and we laugh so hard Paige chokes on her popcorn.

When it was finally our turn, we entered the booth and immediately caught sight of the cool props they had. We all pick out a prop before posing before the camera. We take a few shots, changing props each time, until we finish using all our shots. Outside the booth, Chloe collects our strips and hands them out. I look at them and smile. These were perfect. I'm going to make sure these are kept in a safe place forever. I'm never going to lose them.

SPOILER ALERT: The photos are going to be a crucial part in the next chapter! What do you think is going to happen?

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