The Gang

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- Josh -

On the way to class (we both have advanced Math) after lunch, Chloe invites me to hang out with her gang. Said gang would be hanging out after school and maybe get some homework done. I obviously agreed. Said gang seemed like a cool bunch. So the moment the bell rang after my last class, I grab my books and half-run towards the benches at the school's entrance. Paige would meet me there, along with some of the gang. Chloe and some others would join us later since they have extra classes and whatnot. I found out that Chloe has a bunch of extra advanced classes since she's exceptionally smart, which makes me jealous. I also found out that Tobin is still on vacation and won't be back until tomorrow, thus he won't be joining us today. Aparently, it is okay to miss the first few days of school here at Franklin. Back at my old school in Murrysville, they had a strict attendance policy. You had to have a valid reason to skip school, or you would have to go for detention.

I spot Paige's bobby blonde head from a distance away and head in that direction. As I got closer, I could see she was chatting non-stop to a girl a little younger than herself. The girl had wavy chocolate-brown hair which matched her big eyes, which, on closer inspection, I realised were hazel brown. There was just this certain natural sass in her and I could feel it even though she was pretty far away and not even looking at me. That girl was definitely cute, but a little too young for me. Such a pity.

When I reach the bench, I notice a boy sitting to Paige's right. He had a head of blonde hair like me. In fact, he looked pretty much like me. Paige spots me first, since she's facing my direction. She immediately greets me cheerfully and introduces the other two. The girl is Mackenzie, who ends earlier than us since she's in middle school and who gives me a friendly smile. The boy is Kieran, who gives me a nod and asks me which year I'm in. I reply that I'm a junior. Paige then tells me there are a few others who should be coming down soon. She then continues whatever story she was telling Mackenzie. I hear Paige mention that Brooke "almost got knocked down" and asked if that was why I didn't see her on the bus this morning. "I usually take the bus and so does Brooke. But today, she had to run some errands and mom let her borrow the car. Of course, I tagged along, even though I had to get up earlier. I hate the bus," she explains before continuing her story, but this time including me in her audience.

Soon, the other gang members start filing in. There's Brooke, who is sorta short but really pretty, Ethan, who is about my height and has a really warm smile, Nia, who is African America and is extremely nice, William, who tells me to call him Will, Kendall, whose last name is Vertes (I remembered that from Paige's intro at lunch) and Adrian, who loves hoodies. They're all really nice and welcoming. I get loads of pats on the back and high-fives, which I readily return. The gang starts discussing where they should go later, including me in the conversation. I'm really starting to like these people. In the end, it is decided we will go down to Macs for takeaway before heading to the gang's hangout, whereever that is.

After half an hour, the rest of the gang comes down. This includes Chloe, Kurt and Maddie, who is so absolutely gorgeous with her bright blue eyes and wavy, Mackenzie-like hair. We cram in three cars, headed for the nearest Macs.

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