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- Josh's POV -

Just a few short minutes after Chloe gave me permission to come over, I stand at her doorstep waiting for the door to open. The first thing Chloe does when she opens the door to see me there is hug me while I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "Josh," Paige simply greets with worried eyes. Chloe finally decides to let go of me and beckons for me to follow her inside. "Sit down. I'll get you something to eat," she orders, gesturing to the sofa before going to the kitchen. I sit down on the comfy beige sofa and stare into space. Immediately, the whole switch thing comes to mind. I still couldn't believe what all this meant. I'm not my mom's son. Clara isn't my blood sister. Paige and Brooke are my real sisters. "Hey bro," sighs an awfully somber Paige. I don't know what to say so I just keep quiet, causing complete silence in the house.

Shortly after, Chloe comes out of the kitchen carrying a plate of frozen fruits and places it on the coffee table. The sofa rises a little on my side when she sits down heavily at the other end. "So, you wanna talk about it?" Chloe carefully asks. I take a deep breath. "I never thought I Christi and Marc might not be my biological parents. It's really hard to believe. I mean, they're the only parents I've known since forever and they've always treated me like their own son. Plus, I can't believe I'm not actually Clara's blood brother. No wonder she looks so much like you, Chloe," I confess. "I understand how you feel. When Kelly told me I wasn't her kid, I got so upset I wouldn't eat or talk for a whole week," Chloe quietly tells me.

At that moment, the door clicks open and footsteps shuffle into the house. "I'm home girls," Kelly's voice calls out. She walks into the living room opening her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but freezes when she sees me. "Josh?" she blurts. "Mom." The words slide out effortlessly and unintentionally. Kelly smiles and rushes over towards me. I find myself engulfed in her hug and I hug her back. "I've missed you, son," she whispers, her voice trembling. "Me too, mom," I whisper back, closing my eyes as the tears pile up.

- - -

There you go, reunion! I'm gonna try to end the story as quickly as I can coz I'm so excited for the sequel. Plus, I'm gonna be trying a non-dm fanfic soon so stay tuned loves!

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