upcoming party

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THE GUYS WERE CHILLING, It was getting late so Miguel, Alejandro and Kacey left.

It was only Preston, Javon, Jaden and Ace. They were playing Call of Duty, they had nothing else to do.

"Bro this game is irritating," Jaden grumbled, making Preston chuckle. "You suck, even Daelo is better than you," he uttered.

Javon and Jaden darted at Preston, "You played Call of Duty with Daelo?" the twins said in unison. Preston looked at the both of them, getting creeped out. He glanced at Ace, curious if he was getting creeped out too. Ace just laughed and kept playing.

"I still do." Preston shrugged, "Since you guys don't play with me, I ask Daelo." he added.

"What? We always play with you!" Jaden clamored, and Javon nodded in agreement.

"Uh, nuh uh! You guys always make excuses!" Preston sassed, looking back at the game. Javon scoffed, "Liar." he muttered thinking Preston wouldn't hear. He snapped his head towards Javon, "I heard that!"

Ace was awfully silent, they all noticed when he wasn't moving anymore in the game, he was on his phone instead. "Yo, you good?" Jaden spoke, placing a shoulder on Ace. He peeked over Ace's shoulder and saw that he was on Instagram. There was a message from a random user, a fake account. "Ew, what the fuck? That's so fucked up and the third message is disgusting."

Preston and Javon were confused, they leaned onto Ace and their eyes enlarged at the message.

"Jesus, what's wrong with their spelling? Did a 7-year-old type this?" Javon questioned, re-reading the message

"What's wrong with them? Ask for a face reveal." Preston said, "You should tell her about it." He added, making Ace shake his head and sigh. "Nah, I don't want her to get hurt over this. It's messed."


iwantacehernandez06: Why r u dating a digusteng fat pig?
iwantacehernandez06: U desearve someone better then that ugly peice of shit
iwantacehernandez06: Ill suck it till it falls off
iwantacehernandez06: I need u so bad like u don't undurstend
iwantacehernandez06: Fucking leave that cunt alredy
iwantacehernandez06: She's a disgusteng whore

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Vivien and Kiera were at Vivien's home, they were planning on having a sleepover. They were in their pyjamas and they had face masks on. The two best friends were lying on Viviens' bed, on their phones. It was hushed until Vivien spoke up,

"Wanna hasn't texted me all day, except for when we were at school."

I forgot to mention, it was Wednesday. They didn't have school. Ace's game occurred on Tuesday which was yesterday.

"Don't worry girl, you ain't alone. Ace hasn't texted me either." Kiera sighed putting her phone down. "How long are they celebrating your boyfriend's game for?" Vivien whined, starting to miss Javon.

Kiera shrugged and tilted her head, indicating that she didn't know. Vivien hummed, she was about to fall asleep unti—

"What the fuck?" Kiera blurted, her eyebrows furrowed, looking at the phone. Her tired best jolted at the sudden outburst. "What? What happened?" Vivien noticed Kiera's facial expression, it saddened which made her worry. Kiera looked at her best friend and held her phone in front of her face. Vivien's nose scrunched as she looked at Kiera. "Ace is a good person, he wouldn't do that. Oh— and look at their username! It's clearly one of his fan girls that are jealous of you. Their spelling is also horrifying." Vivien spoke, reassuring her best friend. Kiera smiled at the last sentence, she nodded and sighed. "Yeah, you're right. He wouldn't do that to me, I think."

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