relationship advice

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"I MEAN I'M JUST SAYING LIKE, they're treating him as if he's a baby. It's annoying."

Preston, Kiera and Vivien were finishing up their art assignment. It was Tuesday and Preston was ranting to the two best friends about Tony. Vivien was trying to process how Preston was feeling.

"Honestly, we were better off without Tony, he can't even take our jokes seriously." Preston shrugged, angrily splattering paint on his canvas. Specks of paint going onto Vivien's artwork. "Preston!"


"Preston, I think you need to chill, Tony's just a snowflake and that's fine," Kiera declared. Preston rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "He shouldn't even be hanging out with us if he's a snowflake." Kiera and Vivien gave each other knowing looks, and Preston caught that.


The two girls giggled before explaining, "We just think you're jealous of Tony." Preston was quick to deny it, he waved his arms, demonstrating that he wasn't. "No fucking way. Why would I be jealous of him?"

Vivien shrugged, "I don't know, cause the guys are just talking to Tony mor— wait is that why you left the Big Booty Bitches group chat? Because they added Tony?"

Preston shook his head and painted a red penis on his canvas without a thought. "No, must've been a glitch or something." He huffed. Their art teacher was roaming around, reflecting on their artwork. She frowned at Preston's inappropriate painting.

"That's not appropriate for school Preston." She scolded. Preston darted at the teacher and then back to his canvas. "Oops."

"Just paint over it, I'll let it slide."

Vivien and Kiera were concerned for Preston but they left him alone and concentrated on their own project. Preston was just noiseless, he wasn't yapping, surprisingly.

The bell rang and Vivien decided to remain in the art room for lunch. Kiera left with Ace since she was already accomplished with her project. Preston went with the two as if he wasn't just ranting to them.

The teacher left Vivien isolated so she could focus on her image. Three knocks were taken notice on the door. Vivien peeked behind her canvas to see who it was, her canvas was covering the exit.

It was Javon, he was confused about why she was still in her class and wasn't packing up. He only had one strap of his backpack over his shoulder. He tilted his head and slowly walked towards her.

"Why are you still here beautiful?" Javon praised, setting his backpack down and sitting down beside her. Vivien positioned her paintbrush back onto her tray. She looked at Javon.

His eyes were beautiful. The way they were looking at hers. The way he averts his gaze to her lips and then back to her eyes. He was examining her features, waiting for her to answer. "I just wanted to finish up during lunch."

Javon nodded and gazed at her canvas. "That's pretty. Damn, I didn't know you were a painter V." Vivien smiled at his compliment, "It's just missing something." She huffed.

The couple were looking at the canvas together. Javon held her hand, not knowing there was paint on it. "Shit." He glanced at his hand. Vivien looked at his hand and giggled, taking her paintbrush and adding more paint onto his hand.

Javon glimpsed at her in shock, "Oh yeah?" He turned around and spotted a paintbrush with pink paint. He grabbed it and painted a long line on her arm.

The two were laughing, having fun, running around the class and trying not to break anything.

BEST MISTAKE, javon waltonWhere stories live. Discover now