Racy Thoughts, Racy Actions

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~ Trigger Warning: Disordered Eating Habits/Overexertion ~

"Woah, woah, woah, what happened?" Nicky gasped as I bumped into him.

I buried my head in his chest as I began sobbing silently, yet uncontrollably.

"It's okay, Haileigh, it's okay." He comforted as he sat us down on the ground.

"It's not okay. Willow triggered me. I think she knows about my eating disorder. She said that I used it as an excuse to stay 'humongous', and that I didn't actually have an eating disorder. Then I punched her, knocked her unconscious." I explained.

"You knocked her unconscious?! Alright!" He beamed.

I looked up at him as I scoffed.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He sighed as he wiped my tears.

"I just gotta remember that relapse prevention plan we made." I sniffled as I hugged my knees.

His hand traveled to mine, and he rubbed my hand, causing me to blush lightly.

"Excuse me, Haileigh Hines, you gotta come with me. You, sir, please go back to your class." A security guard announced as he approached us with the school nurse.

The nurse went inside the classroom. Nicky and I got up and slowly dropped hands.

"Text me with updates." He said.

"I will." I replied.

I followed the security guard to the dean's office, and I felt an anxiety attack building up. I just committed an assault. I could get expelled! She could hire people to kill me or something!

"Haileigh, do you need some water?" Dean Jameson asked.

I drank some of my water to calm myself, but that wasn't helping.

"Haileigh, why'd you punch Willow?" He questioned.

"She's insensitive, disrespectful, and overall, she deserved it. She said that I used eating disorders as an excuse to stay the size that I am. If we're being a hundred percent honest, I have been struggling with my eating habits. Binge eating and bulimia. Today in class we were learning about the different eating disorders and she started saying disrespectful and triggering things. I-I-I'll admit, I lost my temper, but practically anyone would in my situation. I know that doesn't make that okay, but I hope that makes you understand why I did it. I've never been someone who turns to violence, but she influenced me to relapse... I binged the other night, and I was triggered from the incident that happened a few days ago." I explained.

He let out a sigh.

"I'm incredibly sorry that Willow negatively contributed to your health. I understand why you hit her. She caused a setback in all your hard progress. However, there are consequences to your actions, but don't worry, she'll have consequences too. I have to give you detention. Tomorrow, you will report to the library at eight. You will stay there until five, working on your schoolwork, and reflecting on what you did. You will have a lunch break, but you must report back to the library after or else there will be more consequences." He said.

"Detention?! I've had a perfect record all my life! I can't have detention!" I cried.

"Haileigh, you physically assaulted another student. You'll be lucky if Willow's family doesn't press any charges." He replied.

"Charges?!" I gasped.

Oh, fuck... I'm having an anxiety attack. My vision began blurring a bit as I started hyperventilating.

"Haileigh, calm down. There's a chance they won't press charges. Don't worry about something when there's nothing to worry about." He comforted.

"I have anxiety. Worrying is what I do all day long. I can't not worry about anything." I hissed as I drank more water.

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