A found resident

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As Max, Jake, and Layla walked toward the rundown building they felt a mysterious presence. Layla and Max stop before the door, Jake then looks back seeing the pale looks on his friend's face."Come on guys there's nothing to worry about" Jake says trying to reassure his friends that everything will be alright. Layla took a deep breath, walked up to the door, and pushed it open." Um guys there is nobody here, It just looks like a rundown building".Layla whispers back to Max and Jake. They both walk in behind her looking around to see if there are any dangers, Seeing that the coast is clear they all take a sigh of relief. Jake then says in a quiet gentle voice in Max and Layla's ear," I told you so". The room suddenly gets cold and they feel the same presence." Guys what is that" Layla asked." Whatever it is, it's not good".Max replies.

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