Where's Jake?

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"Alright you know the plan right" Max asks Layla." Yeah, Wait can we go over it one last time".Layla asks politely." Sure," Max says."Okay so we are here, in the middle of the woods and we are going to sneak through the woods to the place where Jake got taken. We will then sneak in and inspect the place to see if we can find where he went or any clues to where he went."Okay let's go find Jake," Layla said to Max after reviewing the plan. They start following the plan through the woods and they end up on the side of the building right outside of the forest," Okay there it is, the building where Jake disappeared" Max said while looking across the dirt road that runs through the town. They walk to the entrance of the building while patrolling the area around them. Max lightly pushes the doors open as they make a creaking noise. Wincing to hope that the doors don't make too much noise he finally opens the doors."Alright Layla you go upstairs to see if you can find anything and I'll go into the room where Jake was last seen" Max told Layla while walking into the building."Are you sure about this, you know like splitting up" Layla asked in a worried voice."Don't worry if anything happens just yell" Max told Layla before he walked into the room where Jake went missing.

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