Kill All The Expectations (3)

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"Why can't you people just pretend I'm dead?"

Scarlett looks disgruntled as she shoves her school books aside when her unexpected visitors show up.

Miguel, who seems too big for her very pink room, takes up a lot of space. It's almost comical.

While she was tackling her physics homework, her room started acting all weird, defying the very laws she was studying. She had to grab her class notes to stop them from floating away. Then, a strange portal appeared in front of her bookshelf, and Miguel O'Hara and Jessica Drew stepped out as if they owned the place.

As if they paid the bills around here.

Who knows. Maybe they did, and she just wasn't aware.

Scarlett's already annoyed, but she's making an effort to conceal it. Jessica picks up on the tension in her shoulders and tries to lighten the mood with a compliment.

"Hey, how's it going, girl? The hair looks great, by the way."

Scarlett murmurs her thanks and then shifts her gaze suspiciously towards Miguel.

Surprisingly, he doesn't look angry or ready to kill anyone. He stands there with his arms crossed, casting a shadow over her, but there's something in his eyes that Scarlett finds unsettling. She worries it's pity.

"Cheer Spider, how are you feeling? We just wanted to check in on you," Miguel's voice carries a surprising sincerity, making her feel even more awkward.

She wants to correct him and let him know she's not Cheer Spider anymore, but she's afraid it will lead to another long conversation she really doesn't want to have.

"I'm doing fine," she replies instead, returning to her homework. She hopes that by acting busy, they might take the hint and fuck off.

Unfortunately, Miguel drops the pretense, releasing a heavy sigh.

"Scarlett, we're aware of the incident that took place a few days ago—" he begins, but anger overwhelms Scarlett before she can stop herself.

"I don't fucking care and I don't want to talk about it! Are we done now? I have homework to do, something you guys haven't done since the Dark Ages!"

"I'm not that old." Jessica's indifferent response is the only thing that manages to break through the tense atmosphere. Scarlett is aware that she may have overreacted, but her words are already out, and she finds it hard to catch her breath as she scowls at the last two people she wanted to see. Jessica's face currently displays a mix of surprise, offense, and amusement, while Miguel appears completely unruffled, as if he had anticipated the outburst.

Scarlett doesn't understand why, but the thought of that just makes her angrier.

"Listen, we understand that things are a bit difficult for you right now, but Jess and I are here to support you. We believe it would be beneficial for you to attend the group therapy sessions at HQ in a few days. You've been assigned to Group D every Saturday evening at 7:00 PM," Miguel expresses while maintaining his composure.

He thinks he's got a handle on Scarlett's temper by now, and it's obvious that as he speaks, her patience is wearing thin. He notes the rigidness of her shoulders and her flared nostrils.

"Mr. O' Hara, with all due respect, I'm not interested. I know you guys might think I'm just being extra or that I should manage my time better, but I have a lot, and I mean a lot, on my plate right now. Plus, I'm not up for getting all emotional in a room filled with random people. Whose dumb idea was this, anyway?" Scarlett snaps.

Cheer Spider (Miles Morales x OC)Where stories live. Discover now