Chapter 3

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A new change


A young man entered the room, which was filled with silence as he entered. "Is he our new professor? There is no way that he is. Is he too young?" Kaylia said with more confusion than ever. "I don't know who he is, but I'm sure he is just helping out." Lia responded. The man stood in front of the class and cleared his voice to say, "Hello everyone! You are probably all wondering who I am. My name is Michael Bernard, but you can call me Mr. Bernard or Dr. Bernard. I will be your new professor. I hope you all will enjoy your 2 years with me. The nurse will hand out a document to you after I answer any questions of you all." Kaylia raises her hand to ask a question. "Yes, the girl that is raising her hand." "Sir, aren't you too young to be a professor?" Kaylia said it with confusion. "Well, I am not the average age of a professor, but I have been teaching for a while now, so I have experience to teach and assist all of you." He says it with a slight, cold smile. He started walking away while the nurses handed all of us a document telling us in which section of the hospital we would work.

But Lia couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Bernard. He gives a cold shoulder to everyone. She couldn't tell if he had an ego or was just miserable. "Ugh, I just hope he's not a terrible professor," she thinks to herself. She couldn't let it go, but she knew she had to focus; she couldn't mess up her first day in the hospital.


"Lia! I am going to my sector in the hospital, so see you at break, girl, and good luck. You can do this and don't stress, dum dum." Kaylia hugs Lia and leaves, walking to her sector. Lia just stands for a minute, still thinking of him, but snaps out and moves to the ER. As she entered the emergency room, she saw Mr. Bernard there. "Hello, Mr. Bernard!" Lia makes a slight smile at him. " Hi." He responds, unimpressed. Lia sits down with a frown on her face, waiting for instructions from Mr. Bernard. As the rest of the class entered the ER, Mr. Bernard started instructing us on what we would have to do, asked the class for their names, and then asked Lia. "What is your name?" "Lia Clement, sir." "You are going to Rooms 2B and 3B with Melissa Avril." He says it with no expression. Lia nods slowly and walks with Melissa to the elevator to go to the 2nd floor of the hospital.

 Lia nods slowly and walks with Melissa to the elevator to go to the 2nd floor of the hospital

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Wednesday, 10:30am

Lia enters room 2B, and Melissa checks in at room 3B. Lia looks around and sees a young lady on her bed, struggling to drink her water. Lia rushes to her side. "Hey ma'am, I can assist you!" "Please," the lady says weakly. Lia takes a long straw out of the cupboard and puts it in her drink. "Can you try and lean a bit for me, ma'am, if you can?" The lady leans a bit to drink the water. "Thank you so much." "No problem, Ms. She pauses to check the board with her name, "Ms. Wang!"

The lady giggles. "You can call me Mia; Ms. Wang is too professional, and I am not that old." Lia has a light smile on her face. "Of course, Mia," she giggles. Lia continues to do a checkup on her and puts her drip in again. "Are you doing okay today?" Lia asks, "I am doing better than last week." Lia's gaze softens as she checks her file. Lia turns her head at the young lady and asks, "Have you got your results from your blood tests?" "Not yet." "Don't worry, ma'am, I will get them as soon as I can, but you should have had them by now." " Yes. But no one really checks up on me." Lia's eyes widen. "That's utterly unacceptable. I shall make a complaint." "No, no, its fines Ms., it's fine; it's not that I am dying, you know." Lia's eyes soften at the sight of the woman. She takes a deep breath and exhales. "Alright, Ms., I will come back with your medication." She makes a slight smile and walks out of room 2B to the medicine isle to grab her more medications, but as she was getting the medications, she knocked into Mr. Bernard. "Oh, hello, sir," Lia says. He scoffs at her and says, "So how is your new patient? Hmm?" "She is not doing too great, sir." Lia says with her tone lowering. "Ms. Mia Wang, isn't it?" "Yes sir." "Yes, she has been here since last week, as I see on the file." "Sir, I have something to say: why hasn't no one brought her tests back, and why is she not being checked?" Lia says with a serious tone. "I am not sure the nurses usually do that, so I must check into that." He says he is uncaring and walks away. "But, sir, this is not right; it's our duty to serve everyone." "I said I would look at it, Ms. Clement. Now good day." He walks away.


Lia sighs, grabs the medicine, and walks in silence to room 2B. "Hello Mia, I am back with your meds." "Are you okay?" Mia says it with concern. "It's nothing. I will soon again come check up on you. I have to go to room 3B. If you need help, just push the button next to you and I will come." Lia says this with a weak smile on her face. "Thank you for helping me," she smiles. Lia smiles back and walks to room 3B.

Lia sees Melissa is busy with the patients in room 3B and heads to the other sector, where Kaylia is. "Oh, hey, Lia! I'm just sorting out the medication real quick," Kaylia says, happy. "Kaykay, did you see how cruel Mr. Bernard is?" "Yeah, he's a douche, but what can we do?" Lia sits and thinks, "This can't be how our two years are going to go." "Hey Lia, its almost break. Wanna go and eat some at the cafeteria?" "Yeah sure." Lia says she sounds drained. "Alright!"

Wednesday, 1:13pm

The girls entered the cafe in the hospital and started gossiping about the new professor for a good 30 minutes. "Yeah, he looks like a scary oompa loompa," Kaylia said, and they both started laughing. "Haha, that was funny, but I need to check up on my patient. I haven't gotten anything, so I will see if she's okay." Lia says quickly and moves before Kaylia can get a word.

Wednesday, 2:00pm

Lia enters the room and sees Mia sleeping peacefully. She walks closer to place the blanket properly on her, puts the air conditioning on, and walks out of the room to go to Kaylia. "Hey, is your shift done?" "Yeah, it is," Kaylia responded. "Are you going home?" Lia asks. "Nah, I am having another shift in a few minutes." "wait what!?" Lia was concerned. "Yeah, Mr. Bernard heard me talking crap, so I have another shift." Lia blinks in confusion, and she sighs. "Well, that is your own problem. Text me when you're done. Imma go back home." "You are not even going to comfort me." Kaylia fakes cries. Lia walks away, goes into her car, and drives back home.

Wednesday 4:00pm

Lia drops all of her stuff at the front door, drops on her bed, and falls straight to sleep, hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

Lia drops all of her stuff at the front door, drops on her bed, and falls straight to sleep, hoping that tomorrow will be a better day

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CHAPTER 3 is doneeeeeeee!!!!!

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