Chapter 4

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 Change in season

   Thursday ,7:14am

It was the next day, and Lia didn't feel like getting out of bed because she felt really lazy after yesterday for staying 6 hours longer than her normal shift, but she has the morning shift for the whole week, so she has to get up and do what needs to be done.

Lia gets up, does her skincare, gets her scrubs on, and does other things needed for the day. But today she decided to do something with her hair—something different.

                                                                 (Lia's hairstyle)

                                                                 (Lia's hairstyle)

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"I feel cute with this hair do" said Lia pleased with herself. "Well time to go to work"


Lia enters the hospital and sees Kaylia at the front of the desk talking with someone. "Hey Kaylia, what are you doing?" Lia asks, "I'm getting my new schedule," to which she replies, "It changed?" Lia asked concernedly, "Yep." The lady at the desk hands over Lia's new schedule. "Yes! I am going with you today!" Kaylia says it excitedly. "I am so happy, but are you sure Mr. Bernard would allow that?" "Who cares? I'm with you now." Kaylia says it without a care.

Suddenly, two men walk into the hospital. It was Mr. Bernard and another guy who wasn't in hospital uniform but more of a mechanical uniform. Kaylia waves at Mr. Bernard; he gives a blank stare and moves on. "He's such a jerk." Kaylia scoffs, "You said that right," replied Lia.


Lia went to room 2B, where Mia Wang was, but Kaylia went to room 3B. Kaylia was busy checking up on one of the patients, but then the machine started malfunctioning. She called for assistance, and the same guy who came with Mr. Bernard was by the door. "What seems to be the problem?" The strange man asked, "The machine started malfunctioning; the statistics on it worked and then didn't work after a few minutes." I'll take a look at it; just put the patient in another room for the moment.." Will do, but what's your name?" Kaylia asked, "It's Juan, but move quickly, miss." He commands. "Oh yes!" She moves the patient to another room quickly while Juan is busy fixing the machine.


Kaylia comes back to room 3B, watching Juan busy with the machine. "So... Juan, are you a mechanic?" she asks with curiosity. "No. I am an engineer." "Oh, cool, cool," Kaylia says awkwardly. "You know you're making this awkward," Juan says, chuckling. "Yeah, I know." "First time at the hospital?" Juan asks, "The second time, actually," Kaylia says with a smirk. "Oh, so you're still a newbie." He laughs "You should stay with your patient instead of chatting with me newbie," he continued to laugh. Kaylia frowns and heads to room 2B, where Lia is.


As Kaylia entered the room, a bottle of spilt water was on the floor, and she hadn't noticed until She slipped and fell and knocked her head hard on the floor. " Kaylia! Are you alright? "Lia rushed to her side as soon as possible. "I'm fine..." "Your head is bleeding, Kaykay!" she yells. "Why do you have to be such a careless girl?" "I'm fine, just give bandages and an ice pack," Kaylia responds.

"Fine.." Lia gets the items out of the cabinet and hands them to Kaylia. "You want me to drive you home?" Lia asks Kaylia. "Hmm, no, I have other things to do." "Why are you staying so long in the hospital? Lia asked with a questionable face, "No reason." Lia shakes her head at Kaylia's remark and leaves the room to go and eat out since she doesn't want to have cafeteria food.

Thursday, 12:57am

Lia was walking out of the hospital and bumped into Mr. Bernard on the way. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there." Lia said she was shocked. "Watch where you are going," he said firmly. "There is no need to be so rude, Mr. Bernard." Lia said, "Angry. "But you bumped into me, so whose problem is that?" He was annoyed. "It was by accident." "Well, I don't need a little miss spoiled a** telling me what to do now." He said it with a cold gaze. "Ok." Lia walked away with her head down and was almost on the verge of tears at how he reacted. She enters her car and bursts into tears. She didn't know why his words had such an effect on her, but they did. Lia was always a sensitive girl, but she usually had her emotions under control. But now she couldn't control how she felt about what he had said to her, and all she could think about was how bad these 2 years would be for her.

Thursday, 2:00pm

Lia had her lunch and then went back to her house and saw that the front sign of her neighbor's house had been sold to someone. "I wonder who my new neighbor will be." Lia thinks to herself. Lia opens her house and goes into her room to have a good nap before she starts doing assignments. "Maybe I will have a nice neighbor," she thinks to herself and smiles.

Chapter 4 FINISHEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to post Chapter 5 tmrrrr

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Chapter 4 FINISHEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to post Chapter 5 tmrrrr

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