> 01﹔" fourteen "

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— 26th August, just a few minutes before it strikes 12:00 A.M.

" I shouldn't be involving someone this young in this path of life. "

" And yet, here we are. I know what I'm getting myself into, and I have my reasons for it. "
The boy said, lighting a match and throwing it onto the puddle of gasoline that had a trail all around his childhood home.

Devlyn watched from afar as everything fell apart, no expression was seen on his face, but he felt a bit of satisfaction in his heart.

" We should get moving before somebody catches us. C'mon, you've seen enough of it already. "
Said the young adult that was beside Devlyn, he went to his car to start the engine and wait for the boy to get in.
As Devlyn stood up and opened the door to the front seat of the car, a neighbour of his witnessed the scene and was frozen in shock. Right when the civilian attempted to make a phone call to the police, Devlyn pulled out a CZ75 pistol and shot the same person in the head, quickly getting in the car.

The whole car ride was just silence.
" I never told you when to use your gun. You can't go around shooting people after this until you're old enough. "

" You trusted me with a gun, so I used it properly. He witnessed what happened, and I shot him in the head before he made a phone call. I'm certain he's dead by now, his old ass will anyway. "

" ..Fair point. "

The time on the radio reads 12:00 A.M.

" Happy 14th birthday, by the way. "

No response given, the boy just turned his head to face the window to his left.

— 27th August, 2020 .
Another newly report of a committed crime came on the news.

" Another case of arson has been committed in Niyu District, causing the death of a married couple, Mrs.Lorein by a burning chandelier crashing on her and Mr.Ashe who attempted to save his wife but was trapped in a burning room. Both bodies were found burnt to death. Along with an elderly man, around the age of 65, has been found shot in the head near the location of the crime. The culprit for the committed crimes has yet not to be revealed, the police are still investigating on the case.
Other than that, their son, Devlyn Ashe, is reported to be missing. Last seen in Elysian High. If you see a young boy seemingly the age of 14 have the same appearances as the photograph shown, please conta- "
The TV was paused.

The young man, Aero, the same guy who was with Devlyn yesterday's crime scene, called the boy over to the living room of the temporary cabin they were staying over.
" Hey, kid, check this out. Your face is on the news. "

Devlyn took a sip from his soda can before taking a look at the photo of himself in the news, he had an unamused look on his face as he looked at the photograph longer.
" I look better than whatever that is.. "
He turned to go back to wherever he used to before getting called here, until he saw a woman beside him, also looking at the picture of himself on the news.

" Euu.. You look awful. They did you dirty, huh. " The woman giggled to herself,

" Oh wow. What a flattering compliment. Thanks, Noceur. " Devlyn responded with a clear tone of sarcasm.

" I'm kidding. I'm not actually, but how about considering a glow up? You know, to hide your identity, 'cause you can't be going around looking like that. " Noceur stated.

" ..I guess you're right. But don't make me look worse. " Devlyn took another sip from his soda as he replied back.

" Of course, I won't. I won't make you regret your life decisions. " She scoffed.


aaand that's for chapter 1!! writing was kinda wonky , but i'd like to hear the readers' thoughts about the first chapter ^^

🔌・alexithymia﹐꒷꒦Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant