Before I start:

42 2 4

Here's some general stuff about EPIC:

Instruments are related to characters

Athena = Piano + 120 bpm (bc techno)

Odysseus = Guitar

Penelope = Strings

Circe = Cello

Zeus = Thunder, electronic base, drums

Aeolus = Aery vocals, flutes

Poseidon = Trumpet, Brass section, Waves, Triplets

Calypso = Calypso music

Polites = Upbeat stuff

Hermes = Harps and Arpeggios, quick bass

Eurylochus = A certain motif

Polyphemus = Deep French horn

Antinous and the suitors = Dark cello, to oppose Telemachus' upbeat music and Penelope's strings

And more I cannot come with.

The music

The more godly the characters, the more electronic elements the music contains. For example, "Just a man", which is sung by Odysseus is made with traditional orchestral music. "God Games", a song entirely sung by gods (hence the name lol) is made with techno-like instruments.

Idk how to explain it properly lol.

The entire musical is sung through. Just thought it would be smart to mention

Motifs come back.

In the later saga's, Jorge's goal is to let the audience know certain things that the characters don't know. How? The music. That's why you really gotta pay attention to some stuff.

Some motifs:

The "Danger" Motif. This plays whenever there's danger.

Athena's Motif: Athena has 2, one played with 1 hand, one played with both, indicating her presence. Then there's s clock ticking at 120bpm. Whenever you hear that, Athena is using her power 'Quick Thought', where she can pull people's minds into this other reality where time's different, so they can have a whole conversation in an instant. There's also 'reversed vocals' that indicate another power: projection, where Athena can either project illusions or stuff surround her, basically making her invisible.
(Athena's so dam cool in this musical)

"Luck runs out" Motif: It's basically the music for Luck Runs Out, it's associated with Eurylochus.

Penelope and Telemachus each have their own motif which is used numerous times.

Circe has a motif that tells us she has another trick up her sleeve: persuasion.

Certain lines also come back. I won't tell them, because that'll spoil too much :).

Also something I need to mention: Some characters have nicknames. So far it's only Eurylochus being Eury and Odysseus being Ody.

Something else worth mentioning: As I will talk about the music, it might be smart to at the same time listen to the song. At the start of each chapter I will give a link where you can listen to it. 

Also, as this is an analysis and not an explaining-what-happens, having some general knowledge about EPIC might be smart. I will skip over the basic stuff, so knowing how Eury F.E is the second in command, and Polites the captain's best friend and other general stuff like that would be good to know about :). 

Then there's the setup!

EPIC The musical is an around 2 hour long Musical, divided into 2 acts, each 1 hour. There are 9 saga's, 5 in act 1, 4 in act 2. Then there are a couple of cut songs, some have full versions, some are drafts. Song 21 and 22 are missing because of spoilers, Jorge has said. Here are they, plus the songs and their short version bc most of the time I'm too lazy to write them out:

ACT 1:

The Troy Saga:

The Horse and The Infant (THATI)
Just A Man (JAM)
Full Speed Ahead (FSA)
Open Arms (OA)
Warrior Of The Mind (WOTM)

The Cyclops Saga

Survive (these two songs have 1 word so no short version)
Remember Them (RT)
My Goodbye (MG)

The Ocean Saga

Storm (one word again)
Luck Runs Out (LRO)
Keep Your Friends Close (KYFC)
Ruthlessness (One word)

The Circe Saga

Puppeteer (one word)
Wouldn't You Like (WYL)
Done For (DF)
There Are Other Ways (TAOW)

The Underworld Saga

The Underworld (TU)
No Longer You (NLY)
Monster (One word)


The Thunder Saga

Scylla (one word)
Mutiny (One word)
Thunder Bringer (TB)

The Wisdom Saga

Legendary (One word)
Little Wolf (LW)
We'll Be Fine (WBF)
Love In Paradise (LIP)
God Games (GG)

The Vengeance Saga

Not Sorry For Loving You (NSFLY)
Dangerous (one word)
Charybdis (One word)
Get In The Water (GITW)
600 Strike (600S)

The Ithaca Saga (My favorite one lol)

The Challenge (TC)
Hold Them Down (HTD)
King (One word)
I Can't Help But Wonder (ICHBW)
Would You Fall In Love With Me Again? (WYFILWMA)

The Cut songs

Your Light (YL, originally in the Troy Saga)
Ismarus (One word, originally in the Troy Saga)
Full Speed Ahead (Cut Demo) (FSACD, first draft of FSA)
The Cyclops (TC, first draft of Polyphemus)
The Boy And The Boar (TBATB, first draft of WOTM)
Royal Wisdom Burst (RWB, originally in the place of ICHBW)
Olive Tree (OT, originally in the place of WYFILWMA)
Love Me Too (First draft of NSFLY)

There are a lot of other cut songs I can't come up with atm but yea.

Have fun!

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