Chapter One

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"Come on, fight me, little wimp!" He said, pushing me into the lockers with his hands clasped on my sweat shirt my mom gave me. We were in the senior part of the school, where we weren't allowed to be. Sweat spilled down my forehead.

Anthony pushed me harder into the lockers. "Come on, Ian! What are you so scared of? Huh, Ian Hecocks" Anthony really dragged his voice when he said 'cocks' and laughed with his friends.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I told myself not to cry. I had never thought that there would be bullies in the sixth grade but more friends and kind people. I guess I was wrong.

This new school is definitely not my kind of my school. It was creepy with creepy classrooms and creepy teachers and the people here too. 

Anthony laughed once more and I cringed to the sound of his voice. It was prefect. The way he closed his beautiful brown eyes and opened his voice just enough to show his pearly whites. His friends say something but I don't know what they said. I was too busy looking over Anthony's perfections.

Anthony finally let go of my sweat shirt, dropping me to my feet. Anthony is a giant compared to me.

I fix my sweat shirt and the straps of my backpack as Anthony and his friends walk away, still laughing. I never understood why they laughed so much but I didn't mind hearing his voice and  his laugh.

I laugh to myself "I'm not a wimp... or am I?" I sigh as I watch Anthony walk away, swaying his prefect body. Have you ever liked someone that you can't have or that hates you? Well, it sucks. I sigh once more, pick up my stuff and leave to my next class as if nothing happened.

Should I continue? :) Comment or vote if you want me to :D Thanks for reading.

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