Chapter Two

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I walk into my house quietly and drop my backpack on the ground in the hallway "Hello? Anyone home?" I say into the quiet house. No one replies.

I walk slowly into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I hate being home alone. It's so scary and what if a burglar comes and kidnaps me?

Just before I leave the kitchen with my hands full of mouth-watering junk food, I notice a yellow note on the marble counter. I lean over and read it carefully:

"Hi Ian, I and your father won't be back until Saturday (tomorrow) morning. There is some healthy food like pasta and meat in the fridge. Please don't eat too much junk food and please don't go crazy. We'll be back before you know it. Love, mommy + daddy."

I look at the sour candies and chocolates in my hands that I have been dying to eat. 

"Maybe just a few sweets won't hurt..." 

-a few minutes later-

I attempt to throw another snickers bar warper in the garbage can and watch it as it bounces off the edge and lands on the ground with the other many warpers. I lick my lips "Mmm..."

I walk over to the couch and throw myself onto it, laying down with my eyes glazing at the ceiling when a thought crosses my mind. 'What if I get really fat? And then my mom would hate me and send me away? What if I can't fit in the house? That would be awful...' Then an even worse thought squeezes into my brain. 'What if I don't fit on the whole planet?' 

I push away the silly voices in my head and sit up slowly "Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I'll just go exercise. I should go from a bike ride... yeah." I smile to myself.


I buckle my helmet and put on my knee pads and elbow pads. Better safe than sorry is what my parents always told me.

I hum a joyful tune to myself as I walk cautiously in my crowded garage to get my new bicycle. I just learned how to ride with 2 wheels and it's so much fun but it could be very dangerous.

Just as I was about to throw my leg over my bike, I hear another bicycle coming around the corner. I lift my head up from admiring my shiny bike to see that it was him. I immediately smiled to myself.

I watched as he pedaled his bike with his skinny but strong legs, still not noticing me. And how his sweaty hair flew around in the wind and in his face. It all seemed like slow motion.

He then turned his head and stared right at me with his brown eyes still with his focused face on, riding his bike. As he looked at me, I quickly wiped away my cheesy smile. I didn't want to give away my interest in him. He would think I'm crazy... maybe I am.

I sighed in admiration as he stopped his bike in front of my house. Fear suddenly rushed through my blood. I froze in place still holding my big-boy bike. He set his kickstand and walked around his bike and towards me.

I swallowed and put a nervous smile on my face to be friendly. "H-h-hi A-Anthony. What a-are you doing here?" I stampered.

Anthony's fists clenched nervously but furiously as he walked up my drive way which felt as if it was very long. He didn't say anything back. I looked behind me. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to scream for help like the little wimp I am but who would come? What is he going to do?

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