Chapter Four

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Monday came around quickly and my parents came home.

I and Anthony spent the weekend together fooling around at the park and bike riding and kissing! It was the best weekend ever.

Anthony taught me how to have fun without worrying so much. It made having fun much better. Anthony also taught me a song. As we would walk back home from having fun outside, we would sing the song together, holding hands.

"Our love is unconditional, we knew it from the start.

I see it in your eyes, you can feel it from my heart.

From here on after let's stay the way we are right now,

And share all the love and laughter that a lifetime will allow."

Then I would continue singing as Anthony would leap on ahead, dancing. I would laugh at him and we would fall into each other's arms and stare straight into each other's eyes.

As I walked the hallways on that Monday morning, I had the biggest and cheesiest smile on my face. Everyone was staring at me and laugh but I could care less.

As I continued walking, more and more people were pointing and laughing. I started to get suspicious. Was there a 'kick-me' sign on my back? Was there something on my face?

That's when I saw Anthony standing with his jerk friends, leaning against the lockers. I thought he was my boyfriend. What in the world was going on? I was so confused. So lost. Could someone just tell me what was going on?!

Then I turned my head over to my locker. Signs were posted all over it. My mouth dropped to the floor and tears filled me eyes as I read the disgusting words about me.

I couldn't believe this. I looked over at Anthony. He was still laughing and pointing at me and high-fiving with his friends.

The tears in my eyes blurred my vision and Anthony and his friends became a big blob. I put my hands to my face and began to run out of the school crying.

The students echoed the rude words to me as I ran out.

Just as I was at the end of the hallway, someone with skinny legs stuck their foot out and I tripped and face planted on the hard ground.

Then someone with strong arms lifted me from the ground. It was Anthony. His friends and all the other students crowded around me still chanting those terrible words.

Anthony looked at me with an evil grin. That Anthony I knew during the weekend wasn't the one staring into my eyes right now. This Anthony was different. But I wonder what made him different. Why or how did he change?

Or maybe he was fooling with me to make fun of me. I can't believe he did that.

I can't believe he told the school that I like guys. I wish I was treated fairly. I'm human.

Just when Anthony lifted his fist in front of my face to knock me right to the hard ground again, the bell rang for us to get to our classes.

Everyone cleared the halls so quickly that in just seconds, it was only I and Anthony still staring at each other.

I stared at Anthony, tears rolling down my cheeks. He stared back at me. Suddenly, his grin turned into a frown and looked at my tears. He looked like he was sorry for me.

Anthony lifted his hands to my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

I didn't say anything. I didn't think anything. I was too confused to say or think anything. I just felt like I was in a weird dream where random things just happen.

Anthony still stood there with his hands to my face, still staring into my eyes. He then looked down at my lips so quickly and I looked down at his. I wanted to kiss him. I want him to be the Anthony he was on the weekend.

Just as Anthony was leaning in closer to me to kiss me with his soft lips, a voice startled me.

"Anthony?!" Anthony jerked away from me. "What are you doing?" A girl with jet black hair stood in front of us. She wore a mini skirt and a bright t-shirt and she wore a pound of make-up on her face. Her mouth was wide open in shock.

"Uh-um-well," Anthony stammered and rubbed his neck. I still didn't say anything. I wish I would have but I didn't want to ruin anything like I usually do.

"Well...?" The girl stood there, waiting for Anthony's answer. Soon enough, the girl became impatient "Well it looked to me like you were going to kiss that loser. And he's a guy... Anthony!" She threw her hands in the air "What in the world? Is there something you have to tell me?!" She crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot.

"Babe-" Anthony said but the girl, I'm assuming was Anthony's girlfriend, interrupted him.

"Don't babe me. Just tell me or we break up!" She was screaming now.

Anthony stood there thinking and finally sighed. "Okay, you got me. I was... going to kiss him, okay? There! I told you! I love Ian and he and I are in love and I don't care what you think anymore."

I smiled when Anthony said he loved me. Anthony looked back to me and smiled. Anthony's girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend now, gasped and stomped off.

Anthony ran into my open arms for a hug. I love him so much and I can't thank him enough. He then kissed me right on the cheek and my cheeks changed to a light shade of pink.

"I do love you Ian. I was just too much of a coward to tell my friends. I'm so sorry, Ian. I am a dick and I know it, you don't have to tell me." Anthony smiled.

I smiled and finally replied "I love you more Anthony. Thank you so much." And then I pulled him back into our smug hug.

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