Is everything okay?

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"We've got to practice those lifts. They have to be perfect." Neha said

"I know, and I promise I'll catch you every time. Trust me." Ashok said

"I do trust you, Ashok." Neha smiled

"Let's run through the routine one more time, and then we'll take a break."

"Okay, but we're nailing that lift today."

"Absolutely, we've got this!"

"That was perfect!" Neha said after a successful lift.

Living together had become an everyday adventure for Ashok and Neha. Their mornings were often a whirlwind of getting ready for the day, and one particular morning was no different.

As they rushed around their shared apartment, Ashok couldn't help but smile. "Neha, I've made something amazing today."

Neha raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it?"

Ashok proudly presented a plate of Maggi noodles. "Ta-da! A maggie breakfast, right?"

Neha burst into laughter. "Ashok, you're hilarious. But I appreciate the effort."

Their days were filled with moments like these, small and simple, but filled with warmth and laughter. They practiced their dance routines, cooked meals, and navigated the challenges of daily life together.

One evening, after a long day, they returned home, and Neha decided it was her turn to cook. "Ashok, I'm in the mood for some homemade food today. I'm going to cook something special."

Ashok, a bit tired, suggested, "How about we order food instead? It's been a long day."

Neha hesitated but then agreed. "Okay, let's order something good."

They decided on their favorite dishes from a local restaurant. As they enjoyed their meal, Neha couldn't help but compliment the food. "This tastes amazing, Ashok. Good call on ordering."

Ashok grinned, pleased with the choice. "I told you we'd enjoy it. Let's finish eating and then we can watch a movie."

They settled in for a cozy movie night. Ashok was animatedly explaining the plot twist when he noticed Neha sliding closer, her head resting on his shoulder. He looked down, and there she was, fast asleep. He couldn't resist smiling as he gently adjusted himself, allowing her to stay in her comfortable spot. The movie played on, but Ashok's attention was wholly on the sleeping beauty by his side.

In the morning, they both woke up, and Neha stretched, her head still resting on Ashok's shoulder. She blinked and asked, "Did we fall asleep like this?"

Ashok chuckled, "Yeah, we did. You were so into the movie, that you just drifted off."

She gave him a sweet peck on the cheek and got up to make coffee. As the coffee brewed, Ashok couldn't help but wonder about their relationship.

"Do you ever think about what we're doing, Neha?" he asked.

Neha looked at him with curiosity. "What do you mean?"

Ashok contemplated for a moment. "I mean, us. Living together. Do you ever think about what it all means?"

Neha gave him a tender smile. "Ashok, I think about it all the time. I love every moment we spend together, and I cherish the life we're building."

"Do you ever think of telling your parents about us?"

"No, they hate you," she said and both laughed.

Their sweet moment was interrupted by a sudden, unexpected event. Neha was about to pour water into the coffee maker when the knob suddenly fell off, and water splashed everywhere.

Neha gasped, "Oh no!"

Ashok rushed to her side to help. "Don't worry, we can fix this."

As they tried to stop the water, it seemed as though the knob was impossible to put back in place. Desperation set in, and Ashok eventually picked up his phone and called a plumber.

With the plumber on the way, Neha decided to take a bath. As she finished, she to found the plumber working in the kitchen while Ashok was negotiating the price.

"That'll be ₹200," he said.

Ashok looked at the bill and frowned. "₹200? That's a bit too much, isn't it?"

"No, that's my standard rate," the plumber said.

"Can't you give me a discount?" Ashok asked. "I'm a regular customer."

The plumber shook his head. "Sorry," he said. "No discounts."

The doorbell rang, and Neha hurriedly went to answer it. She was in for a shock. It was her parents standing at the door.

Neha's heart skipped a beat, and her eyes widened. She tried to say something, but Ashok's voice interrupted her as he shouted from the living room, "You can lower it by at least 10 rupees, okay?"

Her parents walked into the apartment, seeing Ashok in Bermuda shorts and a wet shirt, with a bemused look on their faces. The first impression was not what Neha had hoped for.

Neha attempted to explain, "Mom, Dad, it's not what it looks like..."

"You know I want to take bath," Ashok said and ran towards the bathroom.

"We said that you won't meet this shameless man again, why you did this to us?"

Neha said. "But I'm happy with Ashok. And I'm not going to leave him."

Her parents exchanged a look. Then her father stood up. "We're not going to argue with you," he said. "But we're taking you back with us."

Neha was shocked. "You can't do that," she said. "I'm an adult."

"You're still our daughter," her father said. "And we have the right to decide what's best for you."

Neha's mother stood up and joined her husband. "Come on, Neha," she said. "Let's go home."

Ashok came out from the bathroom and as Neha's father looked at him, she again tried to clarify her Dad.

But before she could clarify, her father interrupted, "Leave my daughter forever. I never want to see your face again."

"We thought we would give a surprise visit but we got a surprise instead," he said with an angry face.

Ashok, left standing in their now empty home, didn't understand what had just happened. The shock of losing Neha in an instant was a crushing blow, and he was left with nothing but the empty apartment and the memories of their time together.

The unexpected visit had turned their lives upside down, and Ashok was left wondering if he would ever see Neha again, or if their love story had come to a heartbreaking end.

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