Good days, Good weekends (The wedding)

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Neha and Ashok stood in their newly opened dance class, basking in the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that their journey had brought them. It had been an adventure, a roller-coaster of emotions, but now they had a place to share their love for dance with others.

The dance class was filled with eager students, each looking up to Neha and Ashok as their mentors. They had created a haven where people could express themselves through the art of dance, and it brought them immense joy.

Neha turned to Ashok, a radiant smile on her face. "Can you believe it, Ashok? This dance class is our dream come true. It's not just a place for us; it's a place where others can discover their passion for dance."

Ashok nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "I know, Neha. It's the perfect blend of our shared love for dance and our desire to help others find their rhythm. This is a dream fulfilled."

As they continued to discuss their dance class and its future, the anticipation of another significant event hung in the air-their wedding. Neha and Ashok had decided to tie the knot, and they couldn't be happier about the life they were building together.

Ashok was talking to his parents about the wedding preparations. They had always viewed him as the black sheep of the family, someone who would never amount to much in life. But Ashok had found his calling in dance, and that was all that mattered to him.

He sat down with his parents and began the conversation with a smile. "I hope you both can make it to the wedding. It means the world to me."

His parents exchanged glances, still somewhat skeptical about Ashok's choices in life. His father spoke up, "You know, Ashok, we always wanted you to be successful, to earn a good living, and make us proud."

Ashok chuckled and replied, "I understand that, Dad. But you see, I am happy with what I do. I'd rather be a passionate dancer than someone who just earns a lot and doesn't pursue their dreams."

His mother added, "Your brother is doing well, you know. He's earning a good salary and has a secure job."

Ashok grinned mischievously. "Oh, I know. But do you remember how much he used to love filmmaking, how he wanted to create beautiful stories through his camera lens? Now, he's just chasing numbers and reports. He may earn more, but he left behind his passion. I would rather have my happiness."

His brother, who was sitting nearby, couldn't help but join in. "Hey, Ashok, I promise you, the whole wedding shoot is on me. You don't have to worry about that."

Ashok appreciated the offer, grateful that his brother was a part of his big day. He said, "Well, who better to capture the essence of love and happiness than the person who has seen me through all my ups and downs? I'm glad you'll be there with your camera."

The wedding day arrived, a vibrant celebration filled with color, music, and laughter. It was an Indian wedding in all its glory, with rituals, dances, and an abundance of food. Friends and family gathered to witness the union of Neha and Ashok, showering them with blessings and good wishes.

The exchange of garlands, the sacred fire, the seven pheras, and the pouring of rice grains into the sacred fire-each ritual symbolized their commitment to each other. The air was filled with the scent of flowers, the tinkling of bangles, and the joyous laughter of children.

Neha and Ashok stood at the center of it all, radiant and happy. As they took the seven pheras, symbolizing their vows to each other, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only their love and the promise of a beautiful future.

As they completed the ceremony, Ashok couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at how his life had transformed. He whispered to Neha, "Have you ever seen so much good happening in your life? I don't know about you, but I just feel incredibly lucky."

Neha smiled at him, her eyes shining with love. "I feel the same way, Ashok. We've come a long way, and it's been quite an adventure. But today, we're here, surrounded by the people we love, and starting a beautiful journey together."

Just as they were about to step down from the wedding stage, Neha's eyes caught the camera. She called out, "Baby, come over here. We need to take a photo."

Ashok chuckled and replied, "Alright, let's capture this moment. After all, a wedding without photos is like a dance without music."

Neha grinned, and they posed for a picture, with Ashok playfully adding, "Come on, click a photo, brother."

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