A Game or Two

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The rest of the night and following morning passed fairly quickly. I slept without issue and at breakfast in my room. At noon I ventured outside, after saying good morning to Clara and thanking her for breakfast.

The street was mostly empty, except for a few townspeople who were out running daily errands. The excitement of the previous day had faded, and everyone had gone back to their typical life. Except me.

I was still processing it. I'd been kidnapped, I'd been witness to several deaths, and I'd been lost at night in the middle of nowhere, worried that the Marshal was dead or close to dying. It'd been a stressful day, and it was only now that I was coming to terms with the gravity of the situation. 

I began walking along the boardwalk, desiring the simplicity of a daily walk. 

What if I'd been shot instead? Would I have woken up? Or been transported forward to my time? Or would I still be stuck here, wounded, dead or dying? 

I paused when I reached the Saloon. Looking inside, I noticed the barkeeper and a single, rugged man sitting in a dimly lit corner table. My eyes glanced over the bottles of whiskey lined up behind the barkeeper. Even though I'd never really drank, aside from a sip or two, I was tempted to go in and order something. With what money?  

I shook my head to bring me out of my ludicrous thoughts. What the hell was I thinking? I started walking, more determined now. Besides, do they even let women in there?  

My thoughts went back to the night before. I was more worried now, worried than I had been earlier. What would Fuller do now?  Jed had been killed, which means it was down to Fuller, Hank, and Virg. He was short men, and probably angry, too. I'd gotten away, and so had Matthew. Would he come back tonight? Or later today?  I wasn't sure. Or, would he leave? Realize he's been beat?  Probably not. 

I passed the burnt down remains of the Mayor's house. 

Will they burn another building down? Like the Sheriff's office? Would Matthew be okay?

I stopped abruptly. When did I start calling him by his first name?  I looked over to the building I was now standing in front of. The Sheriff's office. Glancing around, I checked to see if anyone was watching me. Everyone was going about their normal business, and no one paid me any attention. My feet guided me to the window, and I peeked inside, hoping to see him. 

It was empty.

I sighed, discouraged. Why the hell did I feel so down all of a sudden?  I rolled my eyes at myself. I spun around swiftly, ready to march all the way back to the hotel when I slammed directly into another person. 

My heart raced as I began to apologize, knowing it was him. I looked up expecting to be met with the icy blue eyes of the Marshal, but instead found the warm brown eyes of... Virg?

My eyes widened and my heart raced again, this time for a different reason. I froze, unsure what to do. I couldn't run away, and I was sure the other two were probably in town, too. I took a hesitant step backwards, and Virg remained where he was. 

He broke the silence, whispering, "Ya know where the Marshal is?" He eyes darted around, scanning the street while his voice had a nervous tone. 

"..no," I forced myself to talk, my own voice as shaky as his.

His eyes met mine, filled with desperation. "... I ain't suppose' ta be 'ere." He took a deep breath, pausing to glance the street again. "I don't wanna be a part of it anymore. I don't wanna die. I didn't wanna be here to begin with." 

I didn't know what to do. I began to feel sorry for him, but in the back of my mind wondered if this was some type of trap. 

Virg continued, becoming more distraught by the minute. "I can't go back neither. Fuller'll kill me. Ya gotta help me. I gotta find the Marshal."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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