Grand revolution

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It was night in the end like always with two Man one in black, one in white. Where making their way trough the endless darkness of dimension they where quietly sneaking trough forest of chorus fruits that was overlooking a place called in one of the latters "void PIT" in other "endless prison" one thing was obvious for both Man.

Soon this place won't exist and it's prioners will be free once again. They where looking at the prison from one of the end islands. When they Heard enderman that tried to attack them from behind but they where killed quicker than they could cry out of pain after lance arcane blade stabed them from the back.

After this the two man went into the prison cleaning the corridors of enemies and freeing the voidlings and Void guardians. Until Lance saw on boy in the cell his name was Louis.

-a few months before Lance infamous propsition to ender lords council-
Lance pov:

My brother alister you left this World to quick I thought as I was standing over his grave. I know that I should Get together I have many plans to implement before uniting the end.

But I don't know What to do he was my only Family left of course other than his son. Oh god his son he is now left alone. One young orphan, bastard, son of a whore and void lord. Alone and I am his only Family.

Should I take him in? Or should I Ask gwendolyn to take him in, to train him? No Lance you should be here for him you are his only Family and if I won't have child he may be the only heir to the end after I will conquer it.

I will take him in, train him and teach him how to be the best and most powerful that ever was. I will.

-present day-
Lance pov:

Oh god it is him he looks tired and weak. I thought as I saw that his eyes are closed and his black hair dirty in fragmenty of chorus food. I would quickly open the doors of a few cells leting my people out as we would go on to free the rest of the prison to make sure that Grand revolution will begin.

-somewhere in dragon spire-
Ceris pov:

I would open my room doors as I would hear someone knocking at them. i would see one of the enderman.

"What is it that you bother me with zarekus?"
"Void PIT was attacked my lady"
"What by who!!?"
"From What we know the void lord my Lady"
"It wasn't even a week since he was gone how is it possible!?"

Enderman just shruged at my question.

"Get me my man I am going to deal with it once and for all."

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