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playing: hai cheng by the8 

Things were always meant to change.

That was the way of life. 21 year old Xingying knew that better than everyone. Change was inevitable. You can't change fate. Fate runs its own course to no one but its own accord. Some things were just meant to be.

Destiny. That was what it was called. And Xingying was one strong believer of destiny. Whether it was just a coincidental encounter with her friends or some stranger, it was destiny. Everything happened for a reason. Nothing lasted forever and she knew that.

But sometimes, she just wished everything would just stay the same.


Xingying smiled as she handed the last cup of coffee before her lunch break to the customer. "Have a nice day!" she bows her head politely.

"You too! Thank you!" The tall woman thanked her, sipping her warm drink before turning her back to the counter. The bell chimed as she opened the door and walked out.

Whew. She adjusted her cap, sighing tiredly. Finally she could take a break-


A petite bundle of energy bounded towards her, throwing her arms around Xingwing, "Are you done serving the customers? It's like 3:30 already, Daxun and I have been waiting forever~" she complained.

The latter only rolled her eyes, "Chill, Lin, we're only going to be 15 minutes off schedule."

"15 minutes too much," Lin grouched, "Are you coming or not?"

"Duh." Xingying patted her and lifted her eyes, exchanging glances with a familiar figure leaning against the doorway. "Hey, Wang," she greeted him by surname.

"What's up boss?" Daxun asked nonchalantly as he sidled up to the two.

Her cheeks reddened. "I thought I told you to stop with this 'boss' thing last time, Wang Daxun!"

She hated when he called her that, but he wasn't necessarily wrong. She had dropped two years of college to pursue her dream. And now, two years later, Li Xingying was the proud owner of her cafe, Le Petit Fleur.

He shrugged. "Whatever you say... boss."

Xingying pointed her index finger at him "Don't make me fire you from your weekend shift, you ungrateful little brat-"

"Guys!" Lin butted in. "Friends! Lovebirds! Let's go already, Daxun and I don't have much time left off campus before your lunch period ends. God, Xingying, you're so lucky you don't have to deal with Teacher Xiao anymore..."

She groaned. "Don't remind me of that torture! Hurry up, let's go."


Xingying breathed in the salty air. Hai Cheng had been her one and only home she'd known her whole entire life. While walking side by side with her friends, she gazes around the neighborhood, feeling nostalgic. She remembered skipping down the streets when she was younger, hand in hand with-

Her mind shut down. Nope, she absolutely refused to think about him. Nuh uh, no way. He'd probably already forgotten her after all these years...

Hai Cheng: The Story of Us || Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now