A Perfect Well Executed Mission

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As Bjorn wakes up in the middle of the night at his penthouse as he turns into Nightmare and calls The Deep to help him in his midnight mission as he says in his mind that he doesn't care if The Deep dies so he chose him to bring. As The Deep arrives and Nightmares grabbed him by the arm and teleported them to the Shadow Academy where Bjorn was sent to as a child, as Nightmare spotted the crooked teachers whom tortured the students with experiments, as Nightmare killed 5 teachers in under .1 second, as he ripped the flesh off them and shoved it down their throats as he ripped their fingers nails off and pierced their eye balls with them, as they he boiled the blood in their bodies so that it bubbled, as they gurgled up their own intestines as Nightmare tied their intestines to each of the others intestines, like a rope that connected them. As Nightmare and The Deep entered the building, as Nightmare can see into each room except The Shadow Room located eight thousand miles underground, as Nightmare shape-shifted  into one of the head teachers as he made The Deep turn invisible, as Nightmare said this way if he does die no one will find him, I can make sure of that, as Nightmare & The Deep entered the elevator and as Nightmare pressed the Shadow Room button, as the elevator was about to close before it could Neptune walked in, as he said you going to Shadow Room too, as Nightmare said yes in the teachers voice, as Nightmare was waiting for the elevator to open again when finally it did as Neptune walked out along side Nightmare & The Deep, as Nightmare told The Deep to follow him as he whispered ok, as Nightmare walked into the Shadow Room as he saw him it was Nightmare's Sister he never thought he had but turned out she was just sent there before he was born, as she is the same as him we are the same my Sister Andrea Macfettio, also known as the Mistress Of Manifestation & Goddess Of Electricity & Manipulation, as Nightmare asked if she could walk as she got up and said yes and also who is that guy in the stupid green outfit, as Nightmare said that is The Deep don't worry about him, as Neptune walked up behind them ripped off The Deep's head saying I knew it was you as Nightmare grabbed Andrea's hand as they grew stronger when they did this as this blasted Neptune away from them as it exploded the whole building, as Andrea said my demons name is Madness, as Nightmare teleported Nightmare and Andrea to his penthouse as he shifted into Bjorn as he laid her on one of the other beds, as he covered her up and she went to sleep as he went back into his room.

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