Chapter 1: Suneater

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"Bye Suneater!!!" I smiled brightly, watching for his response before I turn to jog away.

He was a quiet soul, and I always watched out for him speaking. He deserves to be heard, and I've been pitching in for him ever since we've been friends.

He's got lots of ideas, even funny jokes, they even made me laugh.

But on the outside, nobody actually knew who he was. All people heard was my voice, and my postiture made it so it was believable. They heard all the 'jokes' I came up with when it really was Tamaki who came up with them.

In all honesty, I felt a little bad about it.

With all the courage Tamaki had, he called out to me,"W-Wait!"

I turn around quickly, noticing the urgency in his voice that I don't hear often. "Yes, Tamaki?" I smiled slightly to reassure him it was alright.

He looked down at the ground, it wasn't anything new, but I always hated it a bit. I wanted to see..those beautiful eyes, they deserved to be seen.

My body got warm at the thought..

Tamaki's voice shook a bit as he shyly looked up at me. "Can..I..walk with you today?"

I looked down at him to respond, but his eyes locked with mine for a small moment, making my heart skip a beat. I quickly looked away and respond as best as I could. "Yea! S-Sure thing!"

I could tell the eye contact got him a little nervous, his eyes glancing back down as the sides of his hair hid his face. "If- that's ok with you.."

I smiled softly,"Of course!"

We walk for a bit through the pathway of UA. Side by side as I tell him about my day.

He always likes listening to me spill about my troubles and victories on the battlefield. If I ever ask about how his day went, I don't get much unless I ask him questions about what he talks about. Otherwise, he was still a complete mystery.

It got me a little worried. We've been friends all this time, yet I didn't know any major things about him.

"Where did you and Krishima go this time?"

" Tokyo, Krishima got most of the credit.."

"Well, what did you do to help? I'm sure you gave it your all, Fatgum knows how strong you are and so do I!" I exclaimed.

"I guess.." He mumbled under his breath, barely audible, but from all the years with him, it was loud enough for me to understand.

"Why are you even friends with me? I'm no where near as bright as you.."

Something about that made my blood boil. Like instinct, I turned and grabbed his hands in my own for reassurance. Both of us slowed to a stop.

"Hey, you are the bravest, most strongest person I know, and I've known you since Kindergarden. You're my friend, no, bestie, because I love you and I want you to know how much you mean to me." I smile at him and watch for his reaction before suddenly realizing my grip was getting too tight.

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