Chapter 12: What It's Worth

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These past few days have been the most exhausting moments of my life.

Hero work, and all the emotional rollercoasters I've's just too much.

With tired eyes, I glanced at Tamaki before looking back at the road. My face warmed up in content.

He was sleeping!

Tamaki was always a stressed student. When it comes to anything really. But, I never realized that he was tired all the time. I thought that was just how he was.

I guess during these past few days, I've noticed the tiniest details about him that I hadn't realized before.

There was peace written on his face, on the way his shoulders relaxed, and the way his hands were placed in his lap. His head was against the window, his mouth slightly open as he took in a fresh intake of air.

God, he's so adorable. And it's been so strange that I'm not afraid to admit that. Lately, it's actually been easier to think, and feel that way.

I left one of my hands to tighten against the wheel while my other hand reached over. I hesitate for a moment and before I could stop myself..

I placed my hand on Tamaki's shoulder. He had no reaction. There was just a small movement of his legs falling to the side. I retracted my arm at that moment before slowly creeping it down his arm.

I'm not a pervert I'm not a pervert-

I sighed, pulling my hand away before looking back at the road. I took a slow stop and observed him.

Mirio, stop. That's not who I am, I would never, ever do something as creepy as this..

He just- never gives in. And it upsets me. It makes me feel..bad. Like I don't deserve him, and all I've done was let him in, but-

I feel..terrible.

Does he let others hug him while I'm gone? Krishima is so close with him..

No, he wouldn't touch him. That's cruel. He's a nice guy..


Once we reached the ice cream shop, I shut the car off, unbuckling my seatbelt. I leaned forward, his face hidden in his hair. I frowned slightly, moving his the sides of his hair behind his ears.

No, Tama- This time, I'm not letting you cover your face.

He grumbled softly, his eyes half open as his started to sit up. My eyes widened as I quickly tightened my hands behind the steering wheel, pretending to shut off the car.

The raven head rubbed his eyes and squinted up at me. "Hi.."

"Hey! We're here!" I called, laughing nervously.

Tamaki blinked a few times before reaching a hand to the side of his face, his bangs no longer covering his face.

Oh no he noticed..

Please Don't Cry (Miritama)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ