Chapter I - A Symbol To The Nation - A Hero To The World

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I was on my to my college classes for the day. After what felt like an entirety stuck in a hell of writing an entire essay in one night, I wasn't exactly in the greatest mood to go to extremely difficult classes.

Y/N: *Sighs* I'd do anything to use some magic right now to wake myself up...

Since there wasn't anything I could about my situation, I just kept walking towards my university but while I got closer to my end destination, my body began to have to an uneasy feeling to it. The closer I got, the more uneasy I became and as I was about to go over the cross walk, that uneasy feeling suddenly erupted and in mere seconds, I felt myself get knocked to the ground hard but it wasn't because I was knocked through physical contact or a shockwave. Instead, what knocked me down was of a familial sensation: Magic. As I groaned and forced myself to stand back up despite my body feeling very strange as a I felt my body absorb that magic and awakening what my family called the "heroic blood" my inherits. My grandpa explained it better than anybody else; "Think of it like a small amount of plot armor!" (Wise man he was.)

Y/N: What the hell was that? *Looks towards the area where magic blast came from* The fuck is that?

As soon as I said that, I saw an apportion appear before me but I knew who it was just from the legends I learned about

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As soon as I said that, I saw an apportion appear before me but I knew who it was just from the legends I learned about.

As soon as I said that, I saw an apportion appear before me but I knew who it was just from the legends I learned about

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Cú Chulainn: Hey~ Kiddo. Now's not the time to ask questions, get ready to fight.

Y/N: Wha-

Cú Chulainn: Catch! *tosses Gáe Bolg to him*

Cú Chulainn: Catch! *tosses Gáe Bolg to him*

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